Calling all Gaslanders...

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Calling all Gaslanders...

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:47 am

Rather than create several threads, I thought for those interested, we could have an open thread to showcase your latest Wasteland Rides. Whether it be finished machines of destruction, work in progress, scenery, or anything else Gaslands related, throw it up and let's have a look.
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Re: Calling all Gaslanders...

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Sun Dec 27, 2020 12:25 pm

So over the last 3 or 4 weeks since giving the game a go, I've being busy on the scenery front. Mainly because it's good to play on a nice board but it also helps see things when playing online. I'm also still deciding what vehicles to convert/build first and given that each team we've played so far has been good in it's own way, I could procrastinate about that while sorting the scenery.

First up, what every race needs as a course, so gates were the first thing to be built. These were from Knights of Dice (my favourite MDF terrain manufacturer) and went together really well. Simply painted to give a wasteland feel - a textured basecoat (rustoleum rattle-can) and then simple dry-brushing on top.



Once you've got a course sorted, it wouldn't be a proper dystopian death race without some sponsorship. TTCombat this time, and a real bargain at £2 a Billboard. Provides some nice obstructions to avoid! Painted pretty much the same way as the gates but airbrushed some 'light cones' on to the images to attempt to give the effect that they had been lit.



Along with the containers I'd painted for TWD, that was all that was needed for the first few races. I did however have a couple of containers that I hadn't gotten around to painting up, so I got to it but couldn't help adding a Fury Road reference. The writing was airbrushed and turned out much clearer than I expected considering I only used one mask to do it.


Given the next few events are meant to take place in a 'dystopian demolition derby arena', I wanted something that had the Gas-Town feel from Mad Max, so after some searching on eBay, I managed to get my hands on a few sprues of the 40K Alchomite Stacks - perfect for a refinery. Quite impressed with the inter-changeability of the pieces - I only had to get rid of the skull emblems that GW seem insistent on putting across all of their products. These went together in an evening and I managed to get them painted up the next day (very quick for me but probably helped by a lot of airbrush usage and a ton of dry-brushing).



Finally, a few (12!) gun turrets were required. Given that I'd thrown out my GW bits box a few years ago, this left me with limited option. However, I realised that following a firm and software update on both my printer and slicer respectively, I can now print at a layer height of 0.05mm. Not quite good enough for miniatures in my mind, but certainly good enough for scenery. So after a quick root around on Thingiverse for some files and 50-60 hours of print time later, I had some fairly decent turrets all for no more than a couple of quids worth of filament.



All of the above went together really easily and pretty cheaply so I'm pretty happy. I've made a start on some cars but hopefully should now be able to proceed a little quicker, especially as Mrs DaVinci's Cat got me a whole load of resin conversion pieces (amongst other things) for Christmas :D
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Re: Calling all Gaslanders...

Postby Dave » Sun Dec 27, 2020 5:39 pm

Cool stuff, especially like the graffiti (having tried it by hand for my Necromunda stuff I had to buy transfers instead).

So what scale are the cars?
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Re: Calling all Gaslanders...

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Sun Dec 27, 2020 11:40 pm

The scale is meant to be somewhere between 1:64, 1:72 and 20mm. Basically Hot Wheels or Matchbox size. The scale varies as none of the cars are in scale with each other but they all have roughly the same wheelbase. Monster trucks are a little larger as to be expected.

Painting the graffiti was a bit of a phaff (especially over a corrugated surface) but doable for a one-off. If I was churning out a load like you did for Necromunda, I'd also be heading for the transfers.
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Re: Calling all Gaslanders...

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Mon Dec 28, 2020 1:39 pm

Very nice.

Unfortunately the cars (and guns!) I want to start on are all at club, as they're in my Dark Future box.
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Re: Calling all Gaslanders...

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:08 pm

More of a Work In Progress update rather than any completed works this time - cutting styrene and printing parts has taken a little longer than I anticipated.

First up are some vehicles, starting with my Miyazaki Performance Car. Very light mods on this one, front mounted machine guns, larger air scoop and a dropped weapons system along with a new paint job. This one is currently on hold until the Nissan 350Z arrives so I can paint them both at the same time. As with this one, the 350Z will be lightly modified - these are all about getting from A to B as quick as possible, in style and not necessarily dealing out very much damage. I was trying to go for the Japanese Bosozoku style on these but will have to wait and see how they turn out.

Miyazaki Performance.jpg

Next up, a performance car and buggy sponsored by Mishkin (hence the electrical weapons). Due to some over-zealous modding, the buggy is now larger than the performance car :o I still need to finalise the colour scheme for these so am working on the 'gyrocopter' (hover-car) to complete the crew - I'm just having a few issues printing some of the parts to a suitable resolution so progress might be slow.

Mishkin Performance.jpg

Mishkin Buggy.jpg

Given the relative success of the game earlier this week, the first vehicle for the Warden Team has now been completed and just needs to be painted.

Prison Truck.jpg

Finally, a few things to mark out play. First up, I realised that I needed some Spawn Points for several of the scenarios. After a search on tinternet, I couldn't find anything suitable so thought an automated hatch type thing might do, so 15 mins drawing up in Fusion, an hour or so on the printer and a quick lick of paint later, voila (bear in mind these are only 20mm in diameter):


Mike had chosen Flag Tag as the next scenario we're going to try out. Might need some flags then..... The bases for these are a little larger (at 23mm), so I used some 20 cent (€) coins for these. It's not as if they are going to be used for anything else in the near future.


And whilst I was happily churning stuff out, I thought I'd make up some extra more focused tokens to at least help keep track of which ammo I was running out of.


This was a bit of a trial, and I'm still a little undecided overall. After burning my fingers with hot glue and sticking stuff to things it shouldn't have been stuck to, I finally came up with some explosion/wreck markers. They're not overly robust so it will be interesting to see how long they last. I'll probably have another go in the not to distant future - maybe with the flickering tealights as the base...

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Re: Calling all Gaslanders...

Postby Mike » Sun Jan 03, 2021 1:56 am

And all i have done is drill out the plugs so i can take my vehicles apart. Nice work on the flags and spawn.
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Re: Calling all Gaslanders...

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:11 pm

Mike wrote:And all i have done is drill out the plugs so i can take my vehicles apart. Nice work on the flags and spawn.

Wouldn't worry, it's not as if you're going to be in any rush given the current Government direction :D. I reckon you've got at least until Easter to get something sorted, if not a little longer...
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Re: Calling all Gaslanders...

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:48 pm

Whilst I'm struggling with colour schemes for my sponsors (I'm not loving orange for prison vehicles at the moment and unsure whether or not to continue or go for different colours), I keep thumbing through the rulebook and as there are a couple of other interested parties, had one eye on the mini campaign/championship season section with a view of potentially sorting something out when we get back. Although at this rate, we may have to consider doing a virtual championship.

Anyway, what a championship needs other than bragging rights, is a prize, or a trophy. So I thought I'd challenge myself (a little more than I did for the Walking Dead campaign tiles) to design one in Fusion 360 (CAD Package) with a view to being able to print it, which I did.

Trophy Sketch.jpg

There are in fact 6 separate components in the diagram and drawing it out like this taught me quite a bit about the software and how to use it. Hopefully I'll be able to put it to good use in other modelling applications. The idea was that if we were to play several seasons, we'd be able to continually add our names to the base (still got to figure out quite how) as a roll of honour of sorts.

After several hours (48 to be a bit more precise), I had set of parts that I stuck together and then threw on a couple of coats of paint. In-case anyone's curious, it's 23cm from base to the top of the piston and the 'brake disc' is 15cm in diameter.



I'm quite happy with the final result and very happy with the process and what it taught me. All we need now is to be able to get back to the hut and I need to sort out some vehicles...
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Re: Calling all Gaslanders...

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Sat Jan 16, 2021 7:36 pm

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