Variable game length rule proposal

Including Ghost Archipelago, Rangers of Shadow Deep and Stargrave

Re: Variable game length rule proposal

Postby Mike » Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:48 pm

How about trying this from another angle.
How much gold, treasure and experience would you expect to get in a game.
Per game how many levels would you expect to go up by.

5 turns - Dave managed 3 treasures and I think 2 kills. I managed 2 casts, 1 treasure and no kills in 5 turns.
No fixed length - I managed 10 casts, 2 kills? and 1 treasure and Dave I think 3 treasures Casts? kills?
Not much difference in treasure but leveling greater.

Should we aim for about 1 level per game. Enough gold to buy 1or 2 henchman and a few extras.
Or having seen other games have enough gold to buy your whole warband again and multiple level increase.

With not having tried the other scenarios what game length would suit them.
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Re: Variable game length rule proposal

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:46 pm

Tom got 4 levels in his first game (or was it 5?).
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Re: Variable game length rule proposal

Postby Tom » Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:06 am

I'd say 2 or 3 levels per game for a base expectation. More in scenarios which give out more XP. I got 4 in my first game but it would have only been 2 if my wizard hadn't personally clubbed Dave's wizard to death.

That said none of this is intended to limit XP, just focus gameplay on the treasure counters.

The treasure is a much bigger factor than XP for a bands' strength I think.
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