Ray wrote:I wouldn't mind playing some dreadball before we start the new league. Failing that, learning frostgrave is an option. Not got models sorted for it yet though.
Give in to the 'Grave!
Frostgrave models can be easily filled in from generic spares for now. If you want to make up a list beforehand to save time on the night you can do so fairly well without needing the book as there are only really two big choices, spells and initial warband hire.
Warband hire is easy. You have 300GP (assuming you buy an apprentice, 500 GP if you don't) to recruit up to 8 guys from this list:
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-X0zkRnIxvDs/V ... 175915.jpgStats are hopefully fairly self explanatory. Combat doubles as a defence against shooting. Knives do less damage, 2-handers/crossbows do more. Crossbows take an action to reload.
Then you need to pick 8 spells, which are handily all published here:
https://ospreypublishing.com/gaming-resources/You pick three from your primary school and then one each from a bunch of the other schools depending on the opposed and aligned schools to your primary.
So if you pick a primary based on the school you like multiple spells from, someone can tell you what other schools you get to pick from and you're away.