Escalation League MkII

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Escalation League MkII

Postby Dave » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:39 pm

Suggestions here please.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Wed Apr 29, 2015 12:31 am

No eldar? :twisted:
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Ray » Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:11 pm

I'm in, not with a resin army this time though.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby JAC » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:10 pm

1k points, no fliers or low?
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Mikef » Thu Apr 30, 2015 5:17 pm

I'd plan on bringing harlequins rather than craft world eldar, not quite so over powered!
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Dave » Mon May 18, 2015 1:39 pm

I'll add some thoughts:

Start: June 9th.

Each round consists of four game weeks.

Possible Scores:
0 - Crushing Loss (no models left and/or opponent scores more than double your VPs)
1 - Minor Loss - opponent scores more VPs than you
2 - Draw - equal VPs as your opponent
3 - Victory - score more VPs than your opponent
4 - Emphatic Victory - opponent has no models remaining and/or you score more than double your opponents VPs

Round One - 500 points
Bonus Points:
2 - Army is fully painted (3 colours minimum) and based.

-No vehicles (excluding transports and walkers) with a greater AV of 33 counting front, rear and one side of the vehicle's AV to give the total AV.
-No flyers.

Round Two - 750 points
Bonus Points:
3 - Army is fully painted (3 colours minimum) and based.

-No vehicles (excluding transports and walkers) with a greater AV of 33 counting front, rear and one side of the vehicle's AV to give the total AV (this does not apply to walkers).
-No flyers.

Round Three - 1000 points
Bonus Points:
4 - Army is fully painted (3 colours minimum) and based


Two optional rounds for those players who do not have time restrictions/wife/kids etc

Round 4 - 1500 points
Bonus Points:
6 - Army is fully painted (3 colours minimum) and based


Round 5 - 1850 points
Bonus Points:
7 - Army is fully painted (3 colours minimum) and based


The initial 500 point list chosen must remain constant throughout the league.
The lists for subsequent rounds can be changed but only from the next round onwards.*
Equipment, such as weapon and armour upgrades, can be changed whenever you wish (even in the initial 500 point list and during rounds).

*Example: in my round two 750 point list I choose to add a unit of terminators to my existing 500 point force. I must use that list for the entirety of round two. At the beginning of round three I can choose to ditch the terminators and use the points on something else.

Faction choice must be made prior to the start of the league.

Current Factions:
Dave - Skitarii
Last edited by Dave on Wed May 27, 2015 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Ray » Tue May 19, 2015 9:24 am

I should also be playing Skitarii
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby JAC » Wed May 20, 2015 8:37 am

If I join this one I will play either nids or eldar, probably eldar.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Mark » Wed May 20, 2015 11:39 am

Lol JAC, if you can't beat 'em join 'em! I am leaning towards Skitarii/mechanicum myself but not 100% sure yet as that would make 3 Skitarii players & I like a bit of variation. It is a shame to restrict fliers and LOW as I think the new rules don't make them as OP as they used to be, if you cater for them in your list then they can be dealt with. I was considering Imperial Knights as an army but it seems people don't fancy playing them much, not a big issue for me because I have other armies that need building and painting & I will enjoy but if you had bought the models it is a shame not to use them. 40k is all about big warengines and massive battles even if we start off small.
I think what Dave has put up is good if I play Skitarii then most of the restrictions won't be an issue. My only comment is that I tend to build an army in it's entirety and then paint it so I will loose points there but I concede most people were happy with this format last time so game on.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Ray » Wed May 20, 2015 1:06 pm

I think the problem with taking something like Imperial Knights, or flyers early on in this sort of league, is that at the smaller points levels it is impossible to write a list capable of dealing with them without completely compromising it's ability to deal with everything else. If you put enough heavy weapons into a 500 point list to deal with a knight, then there is absolutely no possibility you will be able to cope with the large amounts of infantry that would be more normal at this points level. At higher points levels I agree, allow everything. I don't see any reason you couldn't take a different army then ally in knights later on? I may end up doing just that with my skitarii.
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