"For Vulkan, For the Emperor" - Trooper So'Lak of the Salamanders, or he could be an Alpha Legion infiltrater?
I feel there should be some Shattered Legion troopers scattered amongst the loyalist forces hoping to reinforce their own brothers when they finally meet up. Though as he hasn't removed his helmet so he could equally be a spy for the chaotic legions.
The rest of the tactical squad is as follows;
Min = 10 troops inc vet all with bayonets (110 points)
Max = 14 troops, vet Sarge with Power Fist and Artificer Armour, a scanner/vox, a vexilla and bayonets. (209 points)
And the complete Despoiler Squad is;
Min = 10 troops inc vet (100 points)
Max = 14 troops, vet Sarge with Lightning Claw and Artificer Armour and 2 Power weapons (180 points)