Weren't there parts of the traitor legions thatcstayed loyal and fought against Horus on Terra?
Loyalist DG vs traitor DG?
Mike wrote:Just read up on the Death guard.
Pre assault on Terra they were norm traitors.
Got caught in the warp, turned in to plague marines and helped with the assault on Terra.
As you mentioned Dave i could use my current few models for Heresy.
Tom wrote:How are you guys playing the Return Fire reaction? The internet response to the FAQ is very confusing but seems to be that it's now pre-emptive fire and the person reacting actually gets to fire first and remove models before they can shoot. Which seems nuts?
There's big arguments that the intent was that you have to declare the reaction first, and that both sides should get to fire at full power, but that they just utterly ballsed up the wording. Both sides getting to fire at full strength seems much more sensible to me.
ErebusMort wrote:Agreed as it feels like the only sensible way to do it is to just fire both “at the same time”. The FAQ also appears to suggest the the returning fire could pin the firers before they shoot, thus making them snap shoot only! Seems silly to play like that, whereas both firing at full strength makes sense.
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