17th May

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Re: 17th May

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Fri May 06, 2022 7:03 pm

ErebusMort wrote:
MoodyGit (Gary) wrote:Ok, dug out the minis you gave me and I have two questions;

1. Is this a shooty game or a hitty game, as everything I have comes with a choice of loadout covering both? (Sometimes I like the choice being made for me!)

2. I have 5 minis not on the site. Looking back at their Kickstarter they call them Nightmares, though I have 4 website Nightmares that the Kickstarter called Shredders!

For note I have 1 Broodmother, 4 Proginators, 20 Night Crawlers/Stalkers, 4 Nightmares, 1 Rumbler, 1 Night Terror, 1 Piper + rats and the unknown squad.
If someone can make a list to the points we are using and I'll try and get at least them glued together. Also did you have the bases for these Mike?

Definitely second Ray’s thoughts - a mix is best. Looking at Easy Army, try this for about 150 points (easy enough to reduce to 100 if needs be):

Brood Mother
Night Terror with scythes
3 crawlers with Ray Guns
2 stalkers with ray pistols
Nightmare with Heavy Chen Thrower
Nightmare with chem thrower and combat drill

Should give you a feel for the game.

Cheers, now just got to work out what weapon is what.

P.S. they officially have RAY GUNS, how cool is that... 8-)
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Re: 17th May

Postby Tom » Wed May 11, 2022 10:41 am

Not in for this one as off to London on my passport renewal quest.
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Re: 17th May

Postby Mike » Wed May 11, 2022 1:36 pm

Will bring bases on Friday.
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Re: 17th May

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Thu May 12, 2022 2:09 pm

Mike wrote:Will bring bases on Friday.

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Re: 17th May

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Fri May 13, 2022 3:15 am

Ray, what points are we doing? I know you're bring the figs, just trying to get a rough idea of how many models I'm looking at (did a "I have no idea" 100pt list via EasyArmy and had 5 models, does that sound right?).
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Re: 17th May

Postby Ray » Fri May 13, 2022 9:53 am

Darkson (Simon) wrote:Ray, what points are we doing? I know you're bring the figs, just trying to get a rough idea of how many models I'm looking at (did a "I have no idea" 100pt list via EasyArmy and had 5 models, does that sound right?).

Maybe? Enforcers are a more elite faction so it would make sense I think. I've had 6 models at 100 points with Asterians. We can do 100 points if you like, it's very quick at that points level and we could maybe get two games in, or we could do 150 if you want more variety on the table to see how some of the different options work?
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Re: 17th May

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Fri May 13, 2022 2:56 pm

Go with 100. Would rather get a coupke of quick games in then move up than just one larger one - any (stupid ;) ) questions are more likely to come up that way.

In other news, i have actually read the rules! And yes, doesn't seem that complicated, though I'm sure there's plenty I missed or will forget.
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Re: 17th May

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Sat May 14, 2022 10:05 am

Darkson (Simon) wrote:Go with 100. Would rather get a coupke of quick games in then move up than just one larger one - any (stupid ;) ) questions are more likely to come up that way.

In other news, i have actually read the rules! And yes, doesn't seem that complicated, though I'm sure there's plenty I missed or will forget.

I'm going in with a How To video and half a battle report!
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Re: 17th May

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Sat May 14, 2022 8:21 pm

Dave, can you bring The Silver Bayonet down with you (if you've had a chance to read it).
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Re: 17th May

Postby TheKingInYellow » Mon May 16, 2022 3:07 pm

I'll duck out of this one as everyone has a game.
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