It's been a while, but as gaming has gotten going again and a decent core of us are getting back into Malifaux, it's prompted a little bit of painting...
First up, a couple of Lyssa as an addition to Pandora's crew. As always, a front and rear shot. These didn't turn out too bad although it was an interesting exercise attempting to paint red ghosts/red vapour!
Lyssa Fr.jpg
Lyssa Rr.jpg
After far too long, I've finally managed to paint Kirai. She turned out better than I expected so reasonably happy although would have liked the transitions a little smoother. Due to some slack photographing, the pictures look a little dark and grainy but she is actually relatively vibrant.
Kirai Side.jpg
Kirai Fr.jpg
Finally, the Goryo. Right at the beginning of the thread, I chuntered about what an absolute pain these were to build (Yan-Lo's beard has nothing on these things

), they were also a right royal pain in the a@$e to paint. Especially around the swirling spirits. I couldn't even paint them separately as the joins were pretty pants and needed significant whittling and filling. To para-phrase the club motto, I've built and painted these so you don't have to. You want to play Ressers, go ahead, they're a great faction. You want to play Kirai, just consider your sanity.
What I have learnt though, is if you need to strip acrylic paint off of plastic models, use IPA. It works wonders, and doesn't damage the plastic. And that's Isopropyl Alcohol, not Indian Pale Ale. The latter is drinkable and very pleasant, the other one with alcohol in the name is a cleaner, and definitely not drinkable, so don't do it.
Goryo Fr.jpg
Goryo Rr.jpg
These were quite good in the initial run out against Brad's Ten Thunders, although had to keep reminding myself that despite their size, they're only height 2!
I have also being busy with some scenery that has already made it to the tables and in some of the weekly updates on facebook, but when I've finished the next batch of painting, I'll post those up as well.
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