Question for anyone with the Refuelled Ruleset. And yes, I've checked the FAQ and looked on the forums and have been unable to find the answer.
In advanced vehicle types section, the table on page 68 summarises the vehicle special rules found on pages 69-71. All of the vehicles with the exception of Helicopters and Gyrocopters have all of the 'long-hand' rules summarised. Helis and gyros seem to be missing the 'Bombs Away' special rule from the table. Do you think this is a typo/omission from the table? It was the same In the original ruleset but the Bombs Away in the long-hand section didn't even seem to have a full entry (no bold heading etc).
There is no other way (that I can see) for either of the vehicles to 'gain' the Bombs Away special rule via Sponsors, perks or any other type of upgrade.