by Dave » Wed Nov 13, 2019 5:12 pm
Alternative way to generate scenarios by using cards. Once played it is discarded and cannot be played again until all missions have been played through. This prevents spamming one mission that favours a particular gang type or build. Example reference table:
A - Stand Off (SM*)
2 - Looters (SM)
3 - Ambush (SM)
4 - Border Dispute (SM)
5 - Sabotage (SM)
6 - Caravan Heist (SM)
7 - Tunnel Skirmish (ZM**)
8 - The Trap (ZM)
9 - Forgotten Riches (ZM)
10 - The Marauders (ZM)
Jack - Sneak Attack (ZM)
Queen - Smash and Grab (ZM)
King - Ghast Harvest (SM or ZM lowest rated gang’s choice)
Joker - Either Escort Mission or use as a “reset deck” mechanic.
Any problem with this approach that I have not foreseen? Is everyone happy with this approach?
*Sector Mechanicus
**Zone Mortalis
Last edited by
Dave on Wed Nov 13, 2019 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Guard dies but it does not surrender