The Campaign Map after Round 3:
The Leader Board is now looking like this (many thanks to everyone for the update):
Fireflys: 316 (20/2)
GotA: 293 (8/3)
Steve & The Queens: 284 (15/2)
Serpents of Doom: 201 (6/0)
The Mad Scientists: 188 (10/0)
Creepers: 130 (8/0)
After another interesting round, the Leader Board has had another good shuffle, helped by the fact that 2 crew managed to have victory ripped from their hands to force a draw on quite literally the last dice roll of the game. The GotA lost Sophia to a last minute zombie attack and the Serpents of Doom has Sandra lose her last health point on a failed Bitten roll in the very last end phase. In both cases, an all important supply counter was dropped giving a lifeline to Steve & the Queens and the Creepers respectively. A lifeline that the Creepers were unable to grasp. Having just purchased a new recruit, Mike managed to roll the magic head-shot on his bitten character in the post game up-keep - so back down to two characters, and then compounded his problems by rolling a blank for territories!
I'll pop up the match-ups for the next round following a points update from Dave; every pairing will have a different scenario with different points being available. With Sven away, there are 3 weeks available in which to get the Round 4 games played. Campaign Priority for Round 4 is: Dave, Mike, Sven, Ray, Tom, Simon.
The Supply deck can now be expanded - I'll indicate which additional cards can be added to the deck (if players wish) in the TWD Spring Campaign Thread.
Several Characters seem to be at 1 remaining starting wound. It is worth remembering that you can 'bench' a character for a game to restore them back to full health.
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