The Walking Dead

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The Walking Dead

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:14 pm

Given that TWD has been my painting focus for a little while, I was a little surprised to realise that I hadn't been keeping a record of my progress. So with that in mind, and with the possibility of having a small TWD campaign some time in the New Year, I thought I'd have a thread to log both any figure and scenery painting.

I recently treated myself to the Knights of Dice Kraken Petrol station from Shiny Games. Compared to other MDF buildings I've put together, this one was by far the best. Everything was well cut, easily dropped out of the sheets and went together very, very well. Lots of good detail in both the pieces and design. My only gripe (this is one of their early designs) was the lack of detailing inside the building which seemed a little odd as the roofs are removable. That said, I'll certainly be getting some more of their stuff in the future.

So what does it look like? I copied the general colour scheme off of the website (as much as I could because I'm not that original) but then added some 4Ground detailing for the internals and then some post apocalyptic exterior detailing to give it a forlorn abandoned look (grass, leaves, litter etc) and an attempt at damaged windows.







It's actually a fairly big scenery piece that takes up a significant amount of space on a 20"x 20" board (photographs are on a 24"x 24" mat) so it will be interesting to see how it plays. I've glued the interior in place to prevent movement during games but allowed enough room to move around whilst providing decent cover.

I've got more than a few vehicles to paint now... :(
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Re: The Walking Dead

Postby Ronq » Wed Dec 26, 2018 9:12 pm

That looks awesome! Can’t wait to play on it!
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Re: The Walking Dead

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Dec 26, 2018 9:52 pm

Nice, that would work well in other post-apoc games as well (Fallout or Scrappers forcexample).
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Re: The Walking Dead

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Thu Dec 27, 2018 3:04 pm

As can be seen from the earlier pictures, I have now actually managed to paint up three survivors; Gloria, Patrick and Eugene. I've got an idea of who may follow, but was seriously considering waiting until the campaign runs so that it forces me to paint up whoever I've selected to purchase as an upgrade, however I'll have to see what happens.







Eugene (Woodbury):



I said that there were a few cars to paint up, so I started with something pretty simple; Antenocitis Workshop burnt-out car from their survival range.



Ronq wrote:That looks awesome! Can’t wait to play on it!

Thank you. And like you , I'm looking forward to playing on this one. Add a couple of cars and the dumpsters and it could be epic scrap - first to get into the store and then back out again. Might have to sort some house rules for clambering through broken windows - roll black die, on a shield you're safe, on a blank lose one health/one action point due to glass cuts?
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Re: The Walking Dead

Postby JAC » Thu Dec 27, 2018 8:34 pm

Wow, looking good!
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Re: The Walking Dead

Postby Tom » Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:41 pm

The extra details in the petrol station are what makes it proper next level. Amazing stuff.
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Re: The Walking Dead

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:51 pm

Tom wrote:The extra details in the petrol station are what makes it proper next level. Amazing stuff.

Many thanks. I'm pretty pleased with the result, now looking forward to getting it on the table. I've also just got hold of an American Ranch Style house that I hope to apply the same level of detail to.

The week has been fairly good. As you can see below, another couple of cars, Walker Penny and some Bus stop Scenery. There is another car about 70% done but jobs around the house got in the way... :(

First up, Antenciti's Workshop Camero Police Car - really good quality resin moulding, painted up really well. As an aside, masking tape does work as a mask at this level of detail but is subject to stretch so I wouldn't recommend it. Don't be lazy like I was, and use proper masking film!


Next is one of the cars from the scenery booster. It's OK, but not resin good.


I actually managed to get another walker sorted. I went for Penny as she was relatively quick; 1 colour dress and quite small - winner!



And finally, another piece of Knights of Dice Scenery - this time their bus shelter. Remembering back to a game with Mike some time ago, the bus shelter provided a useful piece of small blocking terrain that tended to 'capture' the walkers do I thought it was about time to paint my one up. As with the petrol station, I've added a few extra details to make it stand out a little bit. Panes of glass and film posters seemed appropriate.



I don't expect this coming week to be quite as productive. Just warning...
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Re: The Walking Dead

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Sun Jan 27, 2019 7:41 pm

I thought I'd use this thread as an update for the Campaign Board as well as it's more scenery based.

Anyway, following the excellent interest in the campaign and the associated commitment, it was clear that I needed to make a start on the board and tiles. First up, and based around some rough calculations, I figure we'll need around 130 tiles, and 130 frames in which to put them. After a busy few evenings, the frames have been completed and all of the tiles undercoated.


I've also worked out that I need to produce 2 tiles a-day to be ready for the 2 Apr... after a bit of a blitz and little trial and error, I sorted the first 27! I've managed to sort the Highway (x6), Campsite (x3) and Forest (x6) special location tiles along with my home tile and a few random countryside ones. Scaling is going to be a little out as when compared to a prison or hospital; those tents are going to look like brightly coloured large 2 story houses... ...however, you'll get the idea. A couple of pics with just a selection to give a feel (tiles are 35mm flat to flat).


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Re: The Walking Dead

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:16 pm

Wow! :shock:
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Re: The Walking Dead

Postby Ronq » Sun Jan 27, 2019 9:40 pm

This is actually amazing.

I am super excited to be a part of this, and will actually attempt to paint models
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