ARBBL Painting Competition?

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ARBBL Painting Competition?

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Thu Apr 19, 2018 9:34 pm

We've got the Winningest trophy to celebrate our prowess (of sorts) on the field of battle, but that's really only half of it. Everyone knows you also need to look good doing it! Style over substance every time!

Having floated the idea of an End of Year Painting competition over the last couple of weeks, I thought I'd put it out to the wider audience. Looking around the forum and on the tables each week, there are obviously some keen and talented painters amongst us but other than our own individual blogs and New Year promises, we seem to do very little else about it.

I'd like to propose that on the last gaming session of the year, when everyone sits down and plays some good communal games, we also hold the Annual ARBBL Painting Competition. We can have a good celebration of all the hard work people have put into the other side of the hobby. On the plus side, it might look quite good on the Facebook Page, but also from experience, there's nothing like a little competition to push your standards and challenge people.

I would suggest, but very happy to be shot down, corrected, told where to go, or have other suggestions, that any rules/criteria are kept very simple and are something along the lines of:

3 Main Categories and then an Overall Winner/Best of Show type thing selected from the 3 category winners:

-Single Miniature
(piece or board or whatever)

Why these categories? Well hopefully they would be well represented but they tend to cover what most people have been painting - There have been some really stellar single miniatures (Charlie's figure for his Dad's birthday instantly springs to mind), plenty of people are painting up crews/teams be it for Bloodbowl, Malifaux or Shadespire (Mike is in the process of a competition standard diorama), and Dave and Moodygit have been building up some excellent scenery. All of which would look really good in one place at he same time.

The only stipulation is that the entry must have been completed in that calendar year - so no bringing in that awesome miniature or army you painted a few years ago!
Categories will be judged by those of us that turn up that night (no postal votes I'm afraid) and obviously the most votes wins... (no dodgy Presidential elections here), but you will not be able to vote in/judge a category in which you have entered (I'm fairly confident we'll have at least one Judge for each category - possibly the same one across all categories :lol: ).

But what about the prizes I hear you ask? Is the admiration of your fellow competitors not enough? Clearly not! So to that end, and as this is my suggestion, I'm very happy to sort and fund trophies for this if there is enough interest.

Standing by to be flamed...
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Re: ARBBL Painting Competition?

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Thu Apr 19, 2018 10:09 pm

That's me in for judging then.
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Re: ARBBL Painting Competition?

Postby Mike » Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:56 am

Your name was top of the list for judging. :lol:
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Re: ARBBL Painting Competition?

Postby Ronq » Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:26 am

Darkson wrote:That's me in for judging then.

I’m hoping I was a close second?
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Re: ARBBL Painting Competition?

Postby Dave » Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:23 pm

I paint stuff from time to time so I should have something to enter (given that I have 12 months!)
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