Turf War Two (TW2)

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Turf War Two (TW2)

Postby Dave » Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:33 pm

We are winding down Turf War one with next week (in theory at least) being the last week of the final cycle. The two highest rep gangs should then face off against each other the following week (or the week after if necessary) meaning turf war one should end by the 20th March.

I’m keen to try Tom’s multiplayer scenario (possibly the week after if people are equally keen).

Although I’d be quite happy to go straight into TW2 I suggest we the take a break for a few weeks at least so as to not get too fatigued with it all.

Happy to hear alternatives but I reckon a start date of 24th April for TW2 (if we increase cycle length to 3 weeks that would mean you could actually not have to play until the 8th May if you wanted a longer break).

Thoughts and suggestions.
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Re: Turf War Two (TW2)

Postby Ray » Wed Feb 28, 2018 12:48 pm

I'm fine with whenever you want to start it.

Three week cycles are definitely a good idea as that is what we ended up doing anyway. How many cycles were you thinking of doing this time? It might be sensible to list the cycle start/end dates in the thread before we begin as there was quite a bit of confusion about that this last time.
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Re: Turf War Two (TW2)

Postby Tom » Wed Feb 28, 2018 2:54 pm

A bit of gap sounds good but not fussed too much as I'll be bringing my gang forward.

More formal set in stone cycles sounds good. 4 seemed a good run this time but happy to adjust either way if anybody preferred.

GW2 rules and maybe trying to use a bit of 3D terrain next time then?

We need to try and bully the other likely suspects to join in!
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Re: Turf War Two (TW2)

Postby Dave » Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:49 pm

Thanks. Let’s wrap up TW1 and once we have a definitive end date we can work off that.

I have been building a 3d board but it took a back seat for a month or so for the mdf walls, but yes I’d like to try 3d at least once in the next turf war.

Not sure why the others haven’t jumped on board, maybe they can comment on this thread and let us know?
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Re: Turf War Two (TW2)

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Wed Feb 28, 2018 5:31 pm

For me it was because shadespire grabbed my attention and my limited funds. Also as they were side by side release wise I missed the original smash and grab this is fun moment by missing the tester games. The future? As my Escher cannot be used without lots of spend; original box, books, dice etc. I was going to wait for a different gang to be released. Cawdor is my initial thought but they may bring something different to the original six, like their foray into Genestealer cults prove.
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Re: Turf War Two (TW2)

Postby Tom » Wed Feb 28, 2018 5:53 pm

We have many core sets between us and your Escher will probably be fine to use. Happy to loan books if wanted.
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Re: Turf War Two (TW2)

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:02 pm

Same as Gary (except the buying a new gang stuff).
Not happy with the release format (have to buy the box to get the rulebook [yes, I know I can get an illegal copy]), which is one of the reasons I've still not bought a new BB set.

Flat Necromunda makes no sense to be, so my interest level for that is zero. Will 3d change that? No idea. But then I'm still happy to play ORB, so I'm not in a hurry to try it either.
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Re: Turf War Two (TW2)

Postby Dave » Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:02 pm


I can see where you are coming from and I can only repeat what Tom has said in that you will need zero £££'s investment at this point. 4 (5?) of us have the core rules and Gang books can be lent easily enough, also your legacy Escher models are equipped perfectly to fit in with the new rules with little or no problems. Having said that I would definitely suggest a play through or two before you considered investing anything other than time into it. The game plays differently enough from the original that you may not like the new changes.


I thought the same, and I said as much. However after a dozen games I can safely say 2D works, is great fun and, with the MDF walls, looks great (even if I do say so myself!)

So yeah, to those who have yet to play it I say give it a go (an intro scenario can be played in an hour or so) and if you don't like it then fair dos.

Happy to field questions or lend books accordingly.
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Re: Turf War Two (TW2)

Postby Ray » Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:52 pm

I'll just echo everything Dave said.

The old Goliath models have serious issues fitting into the new game due to wargear options, but the old Escher mostly fit in just fine. I was expecting us to mostly ignore the tiles and play on 3d terrain, but having tried the tiles, I'm not convinced the game would gain very much from being played on a 3d table. The reduced setup time is also massively beneficial to anyone who has to leave early.
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Re: Turf War Two (TW2)

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:54 pm

Sorry Dave (and Ray), but playing on multiple levels is what Necromunda is all about for me (as was Mordheim). I'm not saying it doesn't work, but it just doesn't interest me on a flat tabletop, and lack of interest is lack of interest.
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