Foul Bowl - Cardiff - 2nd July, 1 Day 4 Games

Threads for events we went (or wanted to go) to.

Foul Bowl - Cardiff - 2nd July, 1 Day 4 Games

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Sun Apr 03, 2016 7:44 am

frogboy wrote:Years before the game as we know it now became popular, there was another more violent event held once a year on a beautiful coastline in Albion. Around that time it was genuinely believed that the game was in fact brought from across the Sea of Claws far to the North where the cruel Druchii live after a raiding party caught up in the fog wrecked their Cutter. Fans would swell the stands to see the hot and cold blood in a sport that more resembled a battle than a game of modern day BloodBowl. Bribes were rife and in most games, due the the sheer number of fans, referees were anxious to act according to the unofficial rules pamphlet. This in turn only encouraged more homicidal fans to pay at the gates and the teams grew to substantial squads able to withstand severe punishment.
It was all but forgotten, the old round coliseums crumbled or were pulled down to allow room for the new and improved 3rd Edition stadiums, all but forgotten until an unfortunate frog who just so happened to be led face down in the surf at the same spot where the Druchii Cutter had beached all them years ago had a bright idea, what he was doing there was another story, but if it weren't for the corked bottle containing a thousand year old flyer crashing into his delicate head he might just of ended his days there too. But as it happened fate wouldn't be that kind...
Foul Bowl


Saturday 2nd July 2016
Firestorm Games (Cardiff Store)
15 Trade Street
CF10 5DT

Ticket Prices
Cost (includes food) will be £15 for NAF members - £20 for non-NAF members (which includes NAF registration).
Please make payments via PayPal (Friends) to Please include your Name, NAF Name and NAF Number

General Format
Tournament Officials: frogboy, Hawca
Team Size: 1,200,000
Rounds: 4
Foul Bowl is being run using the latest Bloodbowl competition rules.
All teams may be used including Slann, Chaos Pact & Underworld.
There will be a stunty cup for Ogres, Goblins, Halflings and Underworld with no Skaven.

Illegal procedures will not be called throughout the tournament.
The 4 minute turn limit will not be specifically enforced throughout the tournament. There is however a strict 2 hour time limit for each game. If an official believes that a game will not be completed within the allotted time they may enforce the 4 minute rule and if necessary end the game and decide the result in order that the tournament can move on.
All inducements except for wizards and random cards (with exception for below rules) can be used.
All players will be healed back to full starting strength before each game.

Your team must be painted with a minimum of three colours and based. All the models must be numbered as per the roster.
All models must be WYSIWYG and proxies are not allowed.
Please bring all dice, models, templates and a board that you will need to participate.

Team Build
Coaches have a maximum of 1,200,000 to build their team and teams must consist of a minimum of 11 players. 1 Star Player per team is allowed (2 for Stunty) and only after the minimum 11 players have been purchased.
Each team will have a free Bribe to use in each of their games as described in the Bloodbowl competition rules. Additional Bribes may be purchased and is even encouraged. All Teams will be allowed to purchase an addition 3 bribes at 100k each (Goblins 50k each).
Goblin Teams only are required to randomly select a Dirty Tricks Special Play card before each game as described in the Bloodbowl competition rules. (This is a slight change to the rules so that all teams start on the same TV)

7 normal skills plus 1 double skill (that's 8 in total) these skills will be unrestricted other than, as in the rule book, you will be allowed a maximum of 6 skills on a single player.

With a slight twist. You may use the double skill to remove any skill, definition of a skill would be any word written in the box from page 68 in the CRP Skill categories, all skills are eligible for removal.

Stars must keep the skills they have and can not be added to.

Tournament Scoring
Points for the games will be awarded accordingly:
15 points for a win
7 points for a draw
0 point for a loss
-15 points for conceding

Bonus Points
There will be 1 addition point available per game from Fouls which result in a Casualty
There will also be 1 addition point available per game for keeping a clean sheet (i.e. not letting your opponent score)

Tie Breaker
In the event of a tie with 2 or more coaches having the same amount of points at the end of the tournament then the winner will be decided firstly from the coach with the most Wins, if the same then the coach with the most Draws followed by Strength of Schedule and then Coaches with the most Fouls which have resulted in a Casualty.

Prizes Dependent on entrants, more details to follow
Trophies/prizes will be awarded for the following:
Foul Bowl Champion
Foul Bowl Runner Up
Most Casualties (Count all casualties from any means during the game)
Most Touchdowns
Stunty Cup Winner

Timings Subject to change
Registration/Briefing 08:30 - 09.00
Game 1 09.00 - 11.00
Game 2 11.15 - 13.15
Lunch 13.15 - 14.00
Game 3 14.00 - 16.00
Game 4 16.15 - 18.15
Awards 18.15 - 18.30
Send help - buried under my lead mountain!
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Darkson (Simon)
Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
Posts: 4687
Joined: Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:34 pm

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