MoodyGit wrote:That's the greater daemon of Tzeentch I was talking about, and as I said you cannot change a D6 into a Dsomething else. Changing the result of a dice will still be in the scope of the dice.
Thing is, they've left enough ambiguity in the wording that someone could try it and there's nothing to prove them wrong, except opposing POV.
In full beard mode:
Single dice roll: Nowhere does it clarify what a single dice roll is - I've seen games where that means a single dice (amongst multiples), I've seen games where it means all the dice in that roll. Depends whether they mean
single dice roll or single
dice roll.
Result of your choosing: Nowhere does it say it has to be a legal result - "I roll a 7 on d6" is valid under that wording.
Only takes one dick among a group, especially if they're new players, and it turns everyone off the game. See, if I was to play this, I know I could pull this off once (and probably get told to "F*** Off" by Mike
) and then go and play the game properly afterwards. But that's because we've been playing against each other for years.