Escalation League MkII

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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Dave » Wed May 20, 2015 6:46 pm

I understand what you are saying Mark and in larger games I have absolutely no problem with playing against as many Knights/wraithknights as you want to field, same goes for fliers. In the 500 point games I have played which did allow fliers it was in all honesty a waste of time playing (Necrons can have 2-3 fliers in 500 points, as you well know).

With the old knight codex it would have been a little more reasonable to run them at 500 points as you would have been only able to spend 375 of your 500 points and only had one ranged weapon. Now the new codex has dropped you can essentially remove a unit a turn and at 500 points means the game is over by turn 3, unless as Ray has said you specifically tailor a list to kill a Knight.

It's tough to balance, I love the Imperial Knights (I have one) and would happily play your all knight list at 1500 points or above.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Mark » Thu May 21, 2015 1:18 pm

I agree Ray & Dave, might be how I go too I just meant don't ban them entirely.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Dave » Thu May 21, 2015 4:06 pm

I'm thinking about going back to marines so if you fancy Skitarii then go for it.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Thu May 21, 2015 4:15 pm

Well I read the ork codex and there is a distinct lack of any invulnerable saves. I could only find one on a freebooter character! I love the fact that they even cut and pasted the mega boys fluff over from before the change as 'they are able to shrug off tank hits' which can only happen with invulnerables.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Dave » Thu May 21, 2015 4:50 pm

What do the following do:

Big meks with the force field?

Pain boy? (I have heard good things about these, confer FNP and are a cheap unit upgrade(?))

If you do go orks let me know as I have some knocking around which you can have.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Thu May 21, 2015 5:31 pm

The force field is a fifty point 6" 5+ inv bubble against shooting for big meks, not his unit (but yes for a vehicle)so have to be very, very cosy. (Ok you win, two versions of inv save). Pain boy looks only to be independent character as an HQ choice for linked unit FnP, cannot find the boys unit one any more. In theory cannot have a boss, a big mek and pain boy unless go special ork force chart meaning lots of boys.
Also as all ork 'power weapons' are unwieldy (I1if I remember) any one with a reasonable power weapon will always kill him first!
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Mikef » Thu May 21, 2015 5:37 pm

For the low point games those do sound sensible limits - should we look at doing a different tournemant style next to enable super heavies, LOW and fliers from the start?

I'll definately be running harlequins up to 1000 points. Can I use allies after 1000?
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Dave » Thu May 21, 2015 9:51 pm

Good idea Mike, Escalation III: No Holds Barred!

Allies as much as you want from whatever round you want.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby Dave » Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:34 pm

Current Army choices:

Ray - Skitarii
Matt - Skitarii (if he plays)
Mikef - Harlequins
Gary - EDIT: Orks
Mark - Eldar, marines, orks, Nids, guard, Necrons..... ;)
JAC - first post said Eldar or Nids but maybe Space wolves(?)
Dave - TBC - for the sake of variety I'll wait and see what people want to do, ideally an iteration of a power armour army but not overly fussed.
Last edited by Dave on Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Escalation League MkII

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Thu Jun 04, 2015 7:20 pm

Dug out Reece's orks and have enough for 500 points. Same as last time, having to leave early for work means I never finish the larger games.
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