Skyrim board game

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Skyrim board game

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Mon Jan 09, 2023 3:25 pm

Today, I had some free nerding time, so I broke out the Skyrim board game.

2 hours later, all the cards are in the right order, all the tokens are ready to go, and as much as possible is in the core box.

Now, I just have to wait 10 days till I get some time off to actually play the game! :roll: :lol:

Still, gives me time to re-read the rules (which given my effort on HZD, is probably a good idea!).
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Re: Skyrim board game

Postby Dave » Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:27 pm

Well done, I’ve not worked up the courage yet. Are you playing solo?

How many Gloomhaven missions left? Maybe we could do Skyrim after?
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Re: Skyrim board game

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:46 pm

Going to start solo, and then go from there.
Kieran actually expressed some interest, but we'll see if that materialises once I can get it to the table.

But 'Free Fridays' might be a good shout.
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