I seem to have found a way to production line a bare minimum tabletop standard so I'm feeling more optimistic than before that this project may actually get there. Doubtful I'll hit December but at least I think it might happen at all eventually.
Process recording, more for my benefit than anyone else's:
- Spray Army Painter Pure Red
- Slap Blood Angels Red Contrast paint all over.
- Black Templar Contrast on armour joints and pipes etc. The red showing through on the highlights looks fine on these bits.
- Double layer Black Templar Contrast on the bolt gun stops the red showing through.
- Grey Seer base followed by Aethermatic Blue Contrast for the eyes.
- Pick out the shoulder studs in metallic silver, followed by Gryph-Charger Grey Contrast to give the dark border.
- Silver base with Guilliman Flesh Contrast on top for bronze dangly charms.
- Drybrush silver on the boltgun.
The idea of edge highlighting was dropped as too much effort for these rank and file guys.
5 complete. 35.3% overall finished.