Brain dump whilst I remember stuff, will come back and format when time permits.
Group Members and equipment (125):
Derek with Hatchet
Patrick with baseball bat
Not Derek (name escapes me) with screw driver.
Lori with hockey stick
Patrick died and lost the group’s (and maybe the world’s.....) only baseball bat, the numpty.
Derek was taken out but wasn’t bitten and made a full recovery.
Found the following items before aborting my attempt at breaking into the compound (threat level got to 18):
3x supplies (15 points)
1x Football Pads (12)
1x Ammo Reload (8)
Lori gained a red dice and costs +3
Not Derek gained a red dice and costs +3
Zombies killed: 1
Lessons learnt: 2 red dice (and even 1 red and 1 white) aren’t sufficient for killing zombies.