Deadzone Campaign

Re: Deadzone Campaign

Postby Mike » Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:38 pm

Down to the last few. I may take Enforcers or Marauders to balance the factions a bit.
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Re: Deadzone Campaign

Postby nobby » Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:11 am

looks like asterians for me! it was probably going to be either them or enforcers based on my model choice of what i like. although the plague are badass as well.
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Re: Deadzone Campaign

Postby Ray » Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:49 pm

Any idea when we might be starting the campaign? Also, shouldn't this thread be in the Deadzone sub forum?
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Re: Deadzone Campaign

Postby Mike » Sun Oct 26, 2014 12:06 am

Who ever is next on the forum please choose either enforcers or marauders for me.

For Tuesday I hope to get you all your strike force rosters so you can complete them. I am hoping to do a pack like Gary's.

As for campaign start date that will be after we have all had a couple of practice games. These will be campaign style and will not count towards the campaign.

The ranking will be on reputation. The first official game will be based on the results of the 2 practice games. The biggest loser choosing who to play first etc just like DB.
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Re: Deadzone Campaign

Postby Tom » Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:26 pm

Mike wrote:Who ever is next on the forum please choose either enforcers or marauders for me.

For Tuesday I hope to get you all your strike force rosters so you can complete them. I am hoping to do a pack like Gary's.

As for campaign start date that will be after we have all had a couple of practice games. These will be campaign style and will not count towards the campaign.

The ranking will be on reputation. The first official game will be based on the results of the 2 practice games. The biggest loser choosing who to play first etc just like DB.

Heads Enforcers, Tails marauders, flipping now...

Enforcers it is.
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Re: Deadzone Campaign

Postby Mike » Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:38 pm

Have updated page 2 factions and members.
Ta Tom for the flip.
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Re: Deadzone Campaign

Postby Mike » Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:26 pm

Model Trooper Rare Special Leader Faction Points
T Enforcer t Enforcers 10
T Assault Enforcer t Enforcers 10
T enforcer defender t Enforcers 12
R GR77 strider r Enforcers 26
R enforcer enginseer r Enforcers 10
S Enforcer Incinerator s Enforcers 11
S Enforcer with thermal rifle s Enforcers 13
S Enforcer with fusion gun s Enforcers 10
S enforcer medic s Enforcers 13
S enforcer sniper s Enforcers 13
S enforcer with missile launcher s Enforcers 11
S enforcer with burst laser s Enforcers 10
L Peacekeeper Captain l Enforcers 29
L Enforcer Sergeant l Enforcers 15

Model Trooper Rare Special Leader Faction Points
T plague stage 3a t plague 6
T plague stage 3d hellhounds t plague 3
R plague stage 3a mortar team r plague 10
R plague teraton r plague 26
R plague GR77 strider r plague 28
S plague stage 2a s plague 10
S plague stage 3a HMG s plague 6
S plague stage 3a boom stick s plague 8
S plague swarm s plague 13
L plague stage 1a l plague 22
L plague stage 3a general l plague 10

Model Trooper Rare Special Leader Faction Points
T rebel human t rebel 4
T rebel yndij t rebel 6
T rebel sorak t rebel 6
T survey drone t rebel 3
R rebel tk=zero weapons team r rebel 12
R zee scavenger r rebel 3
R rebs GR75 strider r rebel 26
S kraaw warrior s rebel 8 this cost was increased from 6 - 8 by mantic
S rebel teraton s rebel 21
S rebel grogan with desolator s rebel 12
S rebel grogan with onslaught cannon s rebel 10
S judwan medic s rebel 8
L rebel commander l rebel 16
L rebel yndij sergeant l rebel 11

Model Trooper Rare Special Leader Faction Points
T commando t marauder 5
T mawbeast t marauder 5
R goblin guntrack HEW r marauder 13
R goblin guntrack mortar r marauder 12
R marauder hulk r marauder 20
S commando pyro s marauder 7
S goblin sniper s marauder 7
S mawbeast bomber s marauder 7
S stuntbot s marauder 26
S ripper suit rainmaker s marauder 14
L commando captain l marauder 13
L commando sergeant l marauder 10
L marauder warlord l marauder 17
L ripper suit mauler l marauder 14

Model Trooper Rare Special Leader Faction Points
T cypher with NOH rifle t asterians 11
T cypher with charge glove t asterians 14
R black talon r asterians 14
R cypher prime r asterians 13
S cypher with fission rifle s asterians 11
S drone with shield generator s asterians 15
S drone with plasma vortex s asterians 13
S drone with fission beam s asterians 14
S sky razor s asterians 8
S cypher with fission beam s asterians 15
S cypher with missile launcher s asterians 13
L asterian overseer l asterians 25
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Re: Deadzone Campaign

Postby Mike » Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:48 pm

at the start of the campiagn you can choose to unlock 3 extra types of models or items. A combinations of a Specialist, a Rare, a Leader and other items.

You could unlock 3 specialist or 2 rare and a leader. Or go for the stores pack and unlock 3 items.
Item type @ cost to add 1 of the item to your stores
AP Ammo @ 2
energy shield(x) @(x)+1
frag grenade @ 3
holo suit @ 3
medi packs @ 3
sentry gun @ 5
smoke grenade @ 2
stealth cloak @ 5
targeter @ 1

you get 1 item per purchase NOT unlimited of that type.
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Re: Deadzone Campaign

Postby Mike » Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:08 am

Let Battle Commence
Other than the selection of mission and Strike Team, the rest of the setting up and fighting a battle remains
the same. In campaigns we care about what happens to individual models after a battle. Have they recovered from their injuries, learnt any new abilities, or scrounged any good equipment? We also need to see what strings we can pull to ensure the Strike Force gets the best new recruits and items it can find. To do all this, simply follow the steps below. These are best done when both players are still present, immediately after the battle. This ensures that there is someone impartial to witness any dice rolls and to remind you which models were Injured or “Killed”.

1. Return items to the stores.
2. Calculate reputation.
3. Absent models return.
4. Resolve experience.
5. Choose clearances.
6. Spend reputation.
7. Resolve casualties.
8. Check roster is fully updated.
9. Add fresh recruits.

1. Return Items to stores
If any models are carrying items at the end of a battle, add them to your Stores. This includes those you took to battle and never used, those you have found and those you have taken off the bodies of the enemy. As long as one of your models is carrying it at the end of the battle, you put it into your Stores.
Deployable weapons are a special case and what happens depends on their state at the end of the battle.
If they are packed then they are treated like any other item. If they are deployed then they may be returned to their owner’s Stores only if the closest model to them at the end of the game is from their Strike Team and is not already carrying an item (make a note of this before the models are cleared from the board). If this is not the case then the weapon is lost and removed from the roster. If you acquire an item that is still restricted then you may use the one you’ve got. You just can’t buy any more until you have the clearance.

2. Calculate Reputation
After a battle you earn reputation as shown on the table below:
Situation Reputation earned
Earn any VPs for mission
One reputation per VP earned up to a maximum of 10.goals (see page 42). +2 reputation.
Win the battle. +2 reputation.

Each situation applies only once. The maximum possible reputation earned from a single battle is 14. The minimum is zero. Add the reputation earned to both the total reputation and unspent reputation areas of the Strike Force’s roster sheet. The total reputation only ever goes up, whilst the unspent reputation rises and falls as it is earned and spent.

3. Absent Models Return
Go down the list of models in the Strike Force section of the roster and uncheck any absent boxes, thereby returning all models to active duty.

4. Resolve Experience
Individual models gain one experience for each battle they fight in. They also gain one experience per enemy
model they kill. Add these to the appropriate place on their line of the roster. Keeping track of who Killed what is most easily done when the kills are made during a battle. Simply make a check mark next to the model’s entry on the roster and tidy it all up at the end, in this step. Each model has a rank and all models start at rank 1. When they collect enough experience to equal the next rank above them then they go up one level. For example, a rank 3 model would need to collect 4 experience to advance to rank 4. When a model advances in rank reduce their experience by an amount equal to that new rank. A model can only advance by one rank after a battle. If they have enough experience to advance again then it is saved until after the next battle. These experiences take time to assimilate. Note that a model cannot advance after a battle in which they were Killed or Injured. Only models that survive a battle unscathed or are already on the roster can gain ranks (and therefore advancements) after a battle. However, experience earned is still marked on the roster and can be used after they have healed. When a model advances in rank you may roll one dice on
the advancement table to see how they improve
New Ability
The model is sent for training and learns a new ability. Mark them absent for the next battle while they train.
You may choose an ability from the following lists. Which list you can choose from depends on your current rank. A model may only have each ability once. A model may only have one of: Engineer, Medic, Scavenger. If a model already has one of these abilities it cannot choose either of the others.

Stat Improvement
You can choose between command and combat (Shoot, Fight, Survive) stats.
If you choose to raise your Command stat then it goes up one level. See the list below. Command value may
only ever increase once. The order of Command, from highest to lowest, is:
If you choose to raise a combat stat then the highest one that has not yet advanced will go up. If two are equal you may choose which to advance. Each combat stat will only ever advance once. If you roll this result and have already increased all three combat stats plus Command then treat it as a roll
of 7 and take a Veteran Dice instead. Increases in Shoot, Fight and Survive stats make the number drop by 1. So, a 6+ becomes a 5+, a 5+ becomes a 4+, and so on.

Veteran Dice
Hardened veterans have learned how to survive in the harsh realities of combat and know all manner of subtle tricks. These are represented by Veteran Dice. Each Veteran Dice can be used once per battle to add to any normal test for the model that owns them. Decide before you roll any dice whether you will add one or
more Veteran Dice to it. You may add as many Veteran Dice as you like to a single test with the proviso that you can only use each one you have once per battle. They are rolled just like the other dice and need the same number for success, roll up on an 8, and so on.

Every benefit gained by experience makes a model more dangerous in battle and so increases its value. Adjust the cost of the model on the roster sheet as described for the bonus gained

These models do not belong to the Strike Force permanently and never earn experience.

5. Choose Clearances
Each battle earns a Strike Force a single clearance. Additional clearances can be bought with reputation.
Clearances cannot be saved.

6. Spend Reputation
Unspent reputation from this battle (or saved from previous battles) can be spent on various upgrades that
improve your Strike Force. You can spend as much or as little as you want within the limitations of your unspent total. You may not spend more. Apply all upgrades as they are bought and update your roster accordingly. You are allowed to buy a clearance and then buy the item or model you have just cleared in the same step. Each faction achieves these upgrades in different ways. Some are technological, others more mystical, biomechanical or mutagenic. Whatever the means, every faction has access to all upgrades.

7. Resolve Casualties
Models that were Killed during the battle are removed from the roster unless you bought a resurrect model upgrade for them. You need to buy one such upgrade per model and may choose to resurrect some and not others. If you want to resurrect a model you must do so immediately after the battle in which they were Killed.
If you cannot afford to pay at that time they are removed from the roster permanently. Models that are resurrected must roll one dice on the complications table below and apply that result.
Injured models will recover on their own given the normal medical attention available. However, this will take some time and they will be absent for a single battle. If you do not buy emergency medical care for a model then mark them as absent for the next battle. You need to buy one such upgrade per model and may
choose to treat some and not others. Models that receive emergency medical aid are not marked absent and may fight in the next battle. Reductions in Shoot, Fight and Survive game values make the number rise by 1. So, a 3+ becomes a 4+, a 4+ becomes a 5+, and so on. If the model already has a game value of 7+ and is reduced further then they fall into a coma and cannot be revived. Treat this as a roll of a 1 instead. Reductions in Command value move down the hierarchy listed on page 54. If the model has a 1-1 command and is reduced further then they fall into a coma and cannot be revived. Treat this as a roll of a 1 instead.

8. Check Roster Is Updated
Ensure that Injured and dead models are noted correctly, experience has been counted and all other updates and upgrades noted. Check your opponent has done likewise. It’s easy to miss a detail as there’s a lot going on, especially with more experienced Strike Forces in the middle of a campaign. Take the time to check now, while the battle is still fresh and you can both remember what happened.

9. Add Fresh Recruits
If, after everything has been done, you have fewer than 70 points left of models available for the next battle, High Command will send some fresh recruits to join your Strike Force at no cost. This ensures that all their units are always battle ready. Stop adding fresh recruits as soon as the total available models is 70 points or
more. These fresh recruits will always be the least desirable of the pool of reinforcements. The exact model depends on your faction:

In addition, every fresh recruit starts out as a New Guy and is marked as such on the roster sheet. During their first battle they are at -1 dice for all tests. If they survive this first battle they will have adapted to the combat zone and this penalty is removed. Note that this penalty does not apply to models recruited by the normal process of using reputation.
Lord of Pumpkin Spam
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Re: Deadzone Campaign

Postby Mike » Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:13 am

Injury and killed.

I have read several forums on the pros and cons of DZ vs Necromunda injury and dead.

DZ is less forgiving than Necro and you must be careful with your force. You can and at times must retreat so you can fight another day.
The game Tom and I played was a great example of where I would run. Rays game was a great example of go for the objective.

The tester games will hopefully give us all a better understanding of survival.
Lord of Pumpkin Spam
Posts: 1630
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