I might get in touch with one of the bigger online shops and see if they will order it for me, although I suspect they get their stock from a distributor rather than direct from Wyrd....
DaVinci's Cat wrote: I can see why you'd be interested in that set (other than Master No.9?), the sculpts look so much better than M3E.
I definitely prefer the 2e sculpts. Master wise, I sold more 2e stuff than I thought but since we started playing semi regularly again I’ve topped it back up with 3e stuff!
My Master list:
McMourning and Seamus - they need fleshing out with keyword models, bottom of the list of priorities.
Perdita, Sonia, Dashel (3e) and Basse (3e).
Toni and Marcus (both 3e).
Shen Long and Misaki.
So I’ve bought 3 new masters in the last 3 months! (I bought Toni about a year ago). So I’ve got 10 masters now but 4 are painted!
No more....well unless I can get a 2e Lady Justice!