I've found the building instructions online and they look spindly and fiddly. Would the best approach be to use (dare I say it) sub assemblies for painting these?
I find their instructions to be quite poor. There is usually a specific order to which you should glue stuff and it’s often not clear from the instructions.
Only recommendation I can give is try and dry fit everything to try and pre-empt any issues with fitting parts.
If you’re lucky you might find a YouTube video.....
The more recent stuff I built was much more sensible, but they did seem to spend a while revelling in deliberately making them in as many tiny pieces as possible.
Personally I take the view that if a bit is pretty much impossible to reach to paint when assembled, it's also pretty much impossible to see when assembled. Blob in an appropriate dark colour early on in the process and worry about the bits you can actually see.
Good skills. Don't think you'll be disappointed with the Gatling Gun Wielding Samurai, although he is likely to be a prime target to take down given his damage output.
Brad85 wrote:Going to be a tough choice between samurai and archers I think though..
I really like Archers this edition, well worth 7ss. The problem they have (and I think this is true of all Limit (3) minions) is that 3 in a list is probably 1-2 too many.
It frustrating as you always seem to get 3 of the “core” minion in a Master box. (and the minions always seem to be my favourite looking models!)