by Tom » Thu Feb 17, 2022 9:18 pm
Game 2:
With the rival ganger safely secured in a vault, Big puts the Lads on guard duty waiting for his Guilder contact to make the sale. Concentration however isn't the Lads' strongest point and when the captive's gang mates launch a rescue attempt the guards are all over the place, Big the worst offender of them all.
After the injuries inflicted on them last time, the rival Goliaths have decided to even the odds with the services of the legendary bounty hunter Gor Half-horn. The abhuman ambushes Jolene and takes her out of action with his over-sized chainsword. Big is so rattled by this he manages to miss the point blank melta shot on Gor, opening himself up to falling to the same fate. However his armour miraculously save him from the bounty hunter's assault and he makes short work of the goat man with his power-axe in retaliation.
All this however has been no more than a distraction from the rescue itself, which seems on the point of succeeding as the captive is set free, when the Lads' reinforcements arrive and pin the rescue party down under a barrage of frag grenades. At the last minute their nerve fails them and the captive gives up the flight while his would be rescuers flee into the darkness.
The sale is made and Big drags the critically injured Jolene to a doctor as quick as he can. The doc however bristles at being treated as a vet and demands an exorbitant fee to save the beast's life, which even the proceeds from the sold off captive fail to cover. Jolene breathes her last while the doctor refuses to budge and Big is giving in to despair when the doctor's assistant offers him a tip on someone who could help 'on the downlow'. Down in a hidden basement Jolene's body is subjected to the attentions of blasphemous machinery that jolts her back into life, seemingly weakened in body but increased in viciousness by the experience. There's no time for celebration however as the Enforcers smash the door in and raid the illegal resurrection operation. Big and Jolene escape in the confusion, but he saw the doctor's assistant being locked in magnacles by the Enforcers and knows he'll have been ratted out immediately.
The Meaty Lads have found themselves on the wrong side of the law and are now outlaws. As Big pat's Jolene's scaly head he smiles at her, 'You're worth it my girl' he says, 'I'm not losing you.'
A fresh young Bully from the forge is inspired by the tales of the zombie croc and decides to seek out and join the Lads, and Big secures the services of an incredibly unsavoury outlaw medic to avoid future critical injury based crises.