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Useful Campaign stuff

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 11:10 pm
by Tom
New XP spending chart:


Re: Useful Campaign stuff

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 11:51 pm
by Tom
Also worth noting in your long term plans. When we've finished the territory gaining stage and move on to the stealing territories back and forth stage, we all get a cash infusion of 250 creds. Though it must be spent immediately and cannot be saved.

Re: Useful Campaign stuff

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:05 am
by Dave
Useful, thanks.

That 250 is gonna be much needed!

Re: Useful Campaign stuff

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:10 am
by Tom
It's just a pity it can't be spent on a Sumpkroc due to it being a rare trade, as they are apparently imminently going to be finally released. Though I'd be tempted to let people make a rare trade roll at the point of the cash infusion.

What do you reckon? Clearly I'm biased!

Re: Useful Campaign stuff

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 12:17 am
by Dave
I’d say don’t even roll and assume everything is available (otherwise low rollers might be disadvantaged). Plus I want to see a sump Kroc!