Campaign - Proposed campaign rules for voting
Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 8:49 pm
Proposition 1. The battlefield looting rule.
A few of the scenarios seem very odd that they instantly end when one side flees the field, often denying the other side the ability to claim scenario objectives and giving a weird incentive for defenders to bottle early.
Option A:
When the battle ends due to only one side having no models left, the other side gets to claim any objectives left on the field.
Looters - If the defenders all flee then the remaining caskets are assumed to be captured by the attackers.
Border Dispute - If one side flees then their relic is automatically defiled (but as no individual did it nobody gets the D3 xp).
Sabotage - If the defender flees then the objective is automatically destroyed (but nobody gets the additional individual xp for wounding/destroying it).
Rescue Mission - If the defender flees then the captive is automatically freed.
Option B:
As above but only if the remaining player hasn't bottled yet.
Option C:
Keep it as the rule book.
Option D - slightly modified A, perhaps have it that the player must have a model within X” (for now say 6”) of the crate/relic/whatever. This is to encourage the player to still try and achieve the objective, otherwise he may be tempted to sit back, ignore the objectives and just kill the other guy, at which point you may as well be playing the stand off scenario.
Please vote yes or no on A, B and C and we'll see what democracy does for us.
Or suggest another option!
A 1/3
B 3/3
C 0/3
D 1/2
A few of the scenarios seem very odd that they instantly end when one side flees the field, often denying the other side the ability to claim scenario objectives and giving a weird incentive for defenders to bottle early.
Option A:
When the battle ends due to only one side having no models left, the other side gets to claim any objectives left on the field.
Looters - If the defenders all flee then the remaining caskets are assumed to be captured by the attackers.
Border Dispute - If one side flees then their relic is automatically defiled (but as no individual did it nobody gets the D3 xp).
Sabotage - If the defender flees then the objective is automatically destroyed (but nobody gets the additional individual xp for wounding/destroying it).
Rescue Mission - If the defender flees then the captive is automatically freed.
Option B:
As above but only if the remaining player hasn't bottled yet.
Option C:
Keep it as the rule book.
Option D - slightly modified A, perhaps have it that the player must have a model within X” (for now say 6”) of the crate/relic/whatever. This is to encourage the player to still try and achieve the objective, otherwise he may be tempted to sit back, ignore the objectives and just kill the other guy, at which point you may as well be playing the stand off scenario.
Please vote yes or no on A, B and C and we'll see what democracy does for us.
Or suggest another option!
A 1/3
B 3/3
C 0/3
D 1/2