Necromunda Latest

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Necromunda Latest

Postby Dave » Thu Nov 22, 2018 7:05 pm

Managed to catch some of the live twitch session. Sounds like they have revamped lots of rules (and my first impression is for the better).
Versitle: can now engage in hth at the weapon’s Melee Range
Blast: Models targeted by blasts potentially increase their armour save if they are in cover.
Blaze: reworked so you run around on fire before being pinned (much more fun!)

Other stuff but can’t remember most of it, looking forward to the book for sure!
Last edited by Dave on Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Necromunda Latest

Postby Ray » Thu Nov 22, 2018 8:17 pm

I didn't realise they were actually changing rules for it. What are we going to do about this and the campaign though? Ignore it until next campaign or change the rules mid way through?
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Re: Necromunda Latest

Postby Dave » Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:51 pm

I’ll leave that to the arbitrator, I’m just glad they are making an effort to clarify and even improve rules, it does mean the books I do have hold even less value though!
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Re: Necromunda Latest

Postby Tom » Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:01 pm

I'll be brutally honest with you, Charlie is running away with it so much I'd be happy to knock this experiment in Dominion campaigns on the head and start over with something new.

Here's the standings before the final game is put in:


If I'm the only one I'd be happy to continue though. I imagine rules changes can be introduced immediately unless anything major is in there. Campaign changes save for next run. Do we have a date for this new book yet?
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Re: Necromunda Latest

Postby Dave » Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:10 pm

No date, the only hint was that someone asked if they should buy all the other books and the GW guy said probably best to what a couple of weeks...

I’m happy to say knock it on the head (we’ve essentially just played a 6 week turf war cycle anyway).

What about it would you say was an experiment? Do you prefer Turf War or Dominion just needs some tweeks?
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Re: Necromunda Latest

Postby Tom » Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:12 pm

Mainly that I'd probably want to ban the Fixer skill in a Dominion setting. It warps the income too much.

I'm not a fan of the scenario table either.
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Re: Necromunda Latest

Postby Dave » Thu Nov 22, 2018 11:22 pm

I’m not sure about fixer, I think I’d prefer that to an overseer leader and a fast shot heavy plasma champ! Although with the changes to blast rules hopefully that combo won’t be quite so obnoxious.

I think it’s the scenario table personally, the first time in 6 games that one player actually got to choose the scenario suggests to me that it’s a pretty terrible way to decide gameplay, and when we did choose it was a fun scenario that actually netted us some decent income (more than the standard d3/d6x10 that you get from the high chance of playing one of either Border Disupute, stand off or sabotage).
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Re: Necromunda Latest

Postby Ray » Fri Nov 23, 2018 12:35 pm

Loving the graphs. It's nice to see the campaign progress displayed like that.

I'm happy to go with what ever everyone else wants to do in regards to the current campaign. Either way, I feel like I need a bit of a break from necromunda once this campaign has finished. I've played an awful lot of it in the last year and it's time to play something else at least for a couple of months.

Maybe it would be a good idea to start a new campaign once everyone has had enough time to get hold of the new books and give them both a good read through. It would help if we could try to spot potential problems before we started so we could discuss what to do about them and hopefully not have to fix too much once the campaign is running.
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Re: Necromunda Latest

Postby Tom » Tue Nov 27, 2018 10:18 am

I'm hearing rumours of all kinds of changes.

No longer unwieldy Krumpers! :D

Equipment restrictions cleared up to be much clearer. :)

Turf war gone, Domination is the future. :?

Rep limit on Champions gone? :shock:

Tentacle beast no longer quite such a murder machine. :twisted:

Despite their utter shit-show of a social media presence it does seem they've been listening and have incorporated the many widely shared issues into this extensive re-write.

Only very limited amounts of the slipcase edition that fits both books so be ready to order promptly on Sat if you want that.
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Re: Necromunda Latest

Postby Dave » Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:02 am

All sounds good to me!

I think only the limited books are hard back though and I really wanted a hard back book but not overly keen on paying the “limited edition” premium price. What to do, what to do....
Last edited by Dave on Wed Nov 28, 2018 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Guard dies but it does not surrender
Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
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