Rules stuff from last night

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Rules stuff from last night

Postby Dave » Wed Dec 08, 2021 11:18 pm

Some minor rules errors from my game with Mike last night:

1) Leaders and Champions group Activation range is 3” not 4”.
2) A weapon with multiple ammo profiles runs out of ammo for all ammo types if it fails an ammo test. This is different to combi weapons which track each profile separately.
3) Stray shots apply to all shots of a rapid fire weapon, roll each shot separately to see if they hit.
4) Not sure on this one but I think once broken a fighter doesn’t keep taking nerve tests (and subsequently run away several times) if friendly models are taken out within 3”. I base this on Broken being a Condition rather than a Status.

So we did pretty well overall.
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Re: Rules stuff from last night

Postby Mike » Thu Dec 09, 2021 5:16 pm

Picked up 1 and 4 after a read through last night. the other 2 cant remember if it applied to our game.

I think one of my scatters i did d3 but rule book states d6. Don’t know why?

Did i see if you can charge to within 1 inch of a prone seriously injured enemy you can free coup de grace.something like that.
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Re: Rules stuff from last night

Postby Dave » Fri Dec 10, 2021 11:40 am

When I was controlling the Escher I think missed with the autogun that had fired three shots.

Some other minor things:

You can’t consolidate if you use the free coup de grace.
Page 191 goes into more detail on Nerve tests and says that engaged and prone pinned/seriously injured don’t take the test.
The Guard dies but it does not surrender
Archduke Pumpkin of ARBBL
Posts: 2904
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