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Week 3 results
Wed Aug 25, 2021 7:53 am
by MoodyGit (Gary)
I'm guessing this will be easier using the week the game is played rather than being my second game.
Re: Week 3 results
Wed Aug 25, 2021 7:59 am
by MoodyGit (Gary)
Opponent: Tom
Scenario: Mausoleum
Treasure: 3-3 (Re-naming again, this time its the Library because all I found was books)
Level: 4, 170 XP banked (+1 Health and -1 to Telekinesis)
Warband Rating: 2245 (+135)
Rolled stuff at work with Simon and ended up with 135gc and 3 grimoires. I'm guessing I got the rating right as experience isn't counted and I found no scrolls or items.
Re: Week 3 results
Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:27 am
by Tom
Opponent: Gary
Scenario: Mausoleum
Score: 3-3
Level: 5 + 80xp
Rating: 2532
The skeletons didn’t pose much issue for either band and they both grabbed their closest central treasures quickly through either telekinesis or transposing with the skellies. A bit of scrapping around the edge treasures but fog kept things relatively quiet and we snagged one each with minor casualties.
Level up +1 health, improve Transpose, learn Teleport.
Found a ring of power and a ring of protection which both go to the wizard and significantly bump up the value rating for the band. Purchased a Celestial Telescope for the home base (+ 5 to initiative once per game).
Re: Week 3 results
Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:02 pm
by Dave
Opponent: Matthew
Scenario: Standard
Treasure: 3-2 (in Matthew’s favour).
Level: 6 (+15 exp banked)
Warband Rating: 3,065
For my own info:
Level 5: +1 Health (17)
Level 6: Imp -1 (11)
Bought a giant cauldron (+1 to brew potion attempts).
Re: Week 3 results
Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:34 pm
by Tom
Stashed grimoires don’t add to value as they can’t be used for anything or sold.
Re: Week 3 results
Wed Aug 25, 2021 3:29 pm
by Dave
Thanks, edited to reflect.
Re: Week 3 results
Thu Aug 26, 2021 9:44 am
by Brad85
Opponent - Ray
Scenario - Living Museum
1 Treasure to me, 4 to Ray
Level - 3
Value 910 i think, as I now have less treasure and didn't gain anything else extra...
Mittens the Rat Archer was taken out of action and subsequently rolled a 3 on the are they dead table...
I got away with only the one treasure, rolling a 7 and getting 40 Gold and 2 Scrolls - Raise Zombie and Control Undead
Added the gold to the current 45 gold stash and hired a new archer. Mittens brother, Socks, has joined the warband to avenge his brother's demise. This leaves me with 10 gold
A thug was also taken out of action, a new one has be found in his place.
For XP i got the following
40 for turning up, 20 for borking spells, 30 for successful casts, 40 for taking out the scenario constructs (I don't qualify for the 5xp per uncontrolled creature though) and 40 for nabbing a treasure. 170 total, taking me 175, so jumped up a level to 3 and improving my fleet feet spell (now casts on a 10 as previously improved it).
Highlights of the game -
the expendable thug i left in the way of the constructs to distract them one shotting 3 of them with critical rolls. He really showed us what a 5ft tall rat with a cutlass can do.
Ray's epic push spell launching 2 guys (on separate occasions) across the board from the center.
Re: Week 3 results
Thu Aug 26, 2021 1:23 pm
by Ray
My results are detailed due to technical issues (I need to work out which box the D20s are in).
Brad you missed the obvious highlight of your crossbow taking my apprentice out in one shot.
Re: Week 3 results
Thu Aug 26, 2021 4:43 pm
by Brad85
I was going to wait for the results of his injury roll before mentioning that...