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Week 1 results

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:56 am
by Tom
Feel free to embellish with tales of heroism and defeat, but at minimum please post here:

Opponent, Scenario, Score (in treasure tokens), Wizard Level (including unspent xp) post game, Warband Value post game.

Don’t forget you can choose an HQ now and to use the black market rules for any shopping.

Re: Week 1 results

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:57 am
by Dave
Opponent: Simon
Scenario: Well of Dreams and Sorrows
Treasure: 3-2 (in my favour)
Level: 2 (25 Exp banked)
Warband Rating: 2,243

High(low)light: A lowly Ice Spider tanking a Wizard, Archer and Infantryman and then proceeding to take them all out one by one.

For my own info:
Level 1: +1 Health
Level 2: Brew Potion -1 (11)

Re: Week 1 results

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:59 am
by Darkson (Simon)
Opponent: Dave (and my dice!)
Scenario: Well of Dreams and Sorrows
Treasure: 2-3
Level: 1 (65 XP banked)
Warband Rating: 702

Highlight: One-shotting Dave's Wizard with a grenade (which of course also completely missed the archer in the open)

Lowlight: Rest of the game! :lol:
Managed to miss 3 shots at an Imp in the open, and ended up in combat for 2 turns before dispatching it (and it was wounded after the first!); a Thug and a Thief both got arrowed to death picking up the same treasure; Ice Spider got into combat with my wizard, and even with 2 supports, I still managed to have a wizard, archer and infantry man die to it (and all took injuries that carry over); Apprentice was killed (i.e. Post-game Dead!) by a thief (of course!); neither spellcaster got the extra XP from the scenario, and I failed as many spells as I cast (3).
Oh, and to rub it in, while I couldn't kill a spider, Dave took out a giant worm. :lol:
I honestly don't think I rolled a 10+ in any combat (not shooting) - my dice rolling was shocking, almost to the level of "Gary plays Blood Bowl" bad! ;) :twisted:

Post-game: 2 treasures were both money-only, so no extra magic for me, though at least I got enough to replace (resurrect) the apprentice.

Level 1: +1 Health

P.S. for my own benefit - won 1 initiative of 6, so now 5 in 28....

Re: Week 1 results

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:48 pm
by Dave
Your dice were terrible and not helped by mine being above average.

Re: Week 1 results

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:01 pm
by Brad85
Opponent: Gary
Scenario: Well of Dreams and Sorrows
Treasure: 1-4 in Gary's favour
Level: 2 5XP banked
Warband Rating: 920

Highlights; finally taking the chicken bear off the table and getting both of my guys to the well
Lowlight; I'd say Gary levitating the treasure from me and making off with it, but he didn't get anything good :P

Re: Week 1 results

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:33 pm
by Mike
Opponent Mat
Scenario 1 same as everyone
Treasure mike 2, mat 3
Level mike 2 20xp banked, mat 2 100xp banked
Warband rating mike 1174 mat 2k ish

a very basic clean get and run
1 injured on each side with both full recovery.
Mat nearly wounded his own casters.
We both got magic items and weapons

A nice starter game.

Re: Week 1 results

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:37 pm
by bennyowens
Opponent Tom (first time playing against each other)
Scenario Well, well, well
Treasure Ben 2 (inc central) Tom 3
Level 2, with 30 experience banked. +1 fight and -1 to Power Word cast value
Warband rating 1890
Misc Set up base in a brewery, gained a scroll (Control Construct) and a Staff of Power (3)

Honestly one of the most fun tabletop games I've played, really back and forth with lots of cinematic moments. Monsters appeared every time we opened a treasure, including a skeleton who kept walking into a wall because he couldnt see anyone. Tom's apprentice knocked it out of the park with his casting early on, while mine failed nearly every casting attempt.
We had a treasure token remain untouched until turn 7(!) because there was a combat stalemate around it including Tom's treasure hunter holding the line against 3 of my soldiers! Another treasure was hot potatoed around the table courtesy of Telekinesis.
I only lost 2 thugs and a thief, lowest body count ever for me! Oh and my wizard scaled a wall so he could line up perfectly to Push the opposing wizard into the well, instantly killing them!

Came out of this week buzzing! (Much like the fly who landed on our table)


Re: Week 1 results

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:59 pm
by Darkson (Simon)
Just to check, you were aware the central one is a normal treasure in that scenario, and not a rerollable one?

Re: Week 1 results

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 6:01 pm
by bennyowens
Darkson wrote:Just to check, you were aware the central one is a normal treasure in that scenario, and not a rerollable one?

Oh, I was not, and I did reroll, I made a note of my original roll though so I will change it back to that!

EDIT - changed the original post, my Plane Walk grimoire is now a Control Construct scroll, sorry, wasn't trying to cheat just did the post game in a hurry!

Re: Week 1 results

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:42 pm
by MoodyGit (Gary)
Darkson wrote:Just to check, you were aware the central one is a normal treasure in that scenario, and not a rerollable one?

I didn't realise this about the central one as it never came up in our practice games.