ARBBL house rules

Including Ghost Archipelago, Rangers of Shadow Deep and Stargrave

Re: ARBBL house rules

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Jan 18, 2017 5:23 pm

Can start as soon as everyone is happy they've got the rules down.
Ideally would be once the BB league is finished, which would be May at the latest though likely earlier, due to Josh leaving, but can be before.
Multiple player games would have to be the week(s) Gary and/or I are off work, as I expect they'll take longer. One v one games can be any week.
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Re: ARBBL house rules

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:10 am

Spells cast by the Apprentice give XP equivalent to what the Wizard would get, so you don't need to track each spell twice.
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Re: ARBBL house rules

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:22 am

Looking at Gary's and my rotas, the next date when we're both off (that isn't short notice!) is 20th June. Would that be suitable for everyone to start the campaign? I'll probably play a multi-player game first, then it will be normal 1v1 games until the final showdown.
There won't be any need for me to oversee each normal game, though I will be around to answer questions/make snap judgements. ;)

If that's ok with everyone then I'll rn up some cheat sheets and make some custom Wandering Monster tables.
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Re: ARBBL house rules

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:20 pm

Thinking I might go to 7 treasures for a normal game, as the last few games played have pretty much seen each group of 3 treasures set up near one of the players zones.
Maybe have a 7th in the centre of the board.
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Re: ARBBL house rules

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:54 pm

Malebolgia wrote:Me and my mate love our randomly appearing creatures in games. They add so much fun and chaos to the games. In fact, we are always sad if any recovered treasures don't result in newly appearing ones. But creatures can also really screw over one player. In our games it's becoming a running gag my mate gets all the creatures on his side of the table, making games way harder for him. So I thought, why not reward players who kill them?
I can see warbands taking back fresh boar meat, venom sacks from spiders, Snow Troll livers, etc. and selling them at the market place. After all, people need food and potions need ingredients.

So how much gold then? My idea was that killed creatures remain on the table. Models can spend an action to retrieve the valuables. This will yield the warband the creature's hit points x 2 in gold coins. So a mere skeleton will only yield 2 gold coins (who needs rusty swords eh), but a Giant Worm will give you a whopping 40 gold. If a model claims a killed creature, remove the killed creature from the table.

Sounds like an interesting idea.
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Re: ARBBL house rules

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:15 am

The game tonight (last night!) vs Gary has reawakened my desire to actually play a Frostgrave campaign, but wanted to see who, other than Gary, is still interested (or is now interested).

If there are at least a couple more interested parties then I'll start to write up some proper "cheat" sheets with our houserules etc.
No rush, as I'd be looking at starting either 3rd April or 15th May (which is when both Gary and myself are off on Tuesdays).
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Re: ARBBL house rules

Postby Dave » Wed Feb 14, 2018 3:10 pm

I’m not not interested it’s just the next several months I have given over to Necromunda, whilst I am happy to play board games I am trying to stick to one miniature game for now in attempt to get stuff painted (a vain hope I know!)

I’d be interested in reading your rules changes regardless.
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Re: ARBBL house rules

Postby Ray » Wed Feb 14, 2018 3:41 pm

Still got the models I sorted out for last time, so happy to join assuming it's an organised campaign like you intended to run before. Will need at least one game before it starts to get the hang of the rules.
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Re: ARBBL house rules

Postby Tom » Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:20 pm

As long as it doesn't overlap with Necromunda. One campaign at a time!
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