Week 8 Results

Including Ghost Archipelago, Rangers of Shadow Deep and Stargrave

Week 8 Results

Postby Dave » Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:41 pm

Opponent: Tom
Scenario: The Keep
Treasure: 3-2 (in my favour).
Level: 14 (10 Exp in the bank)
Warband Rating: 3,177

For my own info:
Level 12: +1 Health (20, max)
Level 13: Brew Potion -1 (8)
Level 14: Learned Shield

All my natural 20’s came out in this game so I expect my next opponent to have an easy win. One of my guys died and 2 are badly wounded.

I found a grimoire for a spell I already know and along with selling off some magic items I was able to buy a Barbarian and a kennel (although no gold left to buy the actual dog!)
Last edited by Dave on Tue Oct 05, 2021 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Week 8 Results

Postby Mike » Thu Sep 30, 2021 9:20 pm

Mike vs Gary
2-1 treasure
Scenario - Transporter hell

So Gary's warband isnt really offensive in nature.
Well thank god for the elixir of life.
1 Dead Wizard = 1 live Wizard
A few others off the table but survived with no real damage done apart from pride.

Quite a lot of movement due to the transporters and my transpose.
I think the transporters were used to get from the city to the nearby cemetary.
2 ghouls and 4 skeletons appeared from the same (cemetary) side.

Due to a blizzard we both lost a treasure but i was lucky to keep hold of two.
- Grimoire of Control Construct, which would have been nice to have got the game before. Might have been able to stop Gary's Giant haystacks stomping about the place.
- boots of speed. +1 move 300g thank you very much.

8g from my base. The most i think i have ever found in the Treasury.

+1 Health
-1 to invisibilty

2 of my infantrymen turned Barbarian on me. Must be the rations.
My old thief turned up after my xbowmen dissapeared.
He fought once, got badly injured and was supposed to be getting better back at base.

Wizard level 14
Gang rating 3049
Gold 16.
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Re: Week 8 Results

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Fri Oct 01, 2021 2:23 am

Gary vs Mike
0-2 in treasure, Mike was totally blinded by the snow.

Both guys removed from table made full recoveries.

Now level 12 due to spending reserve with 10 left.

+1 fight (this is my third increase so now max) and leap now slightly easier.

Black Market was empty as three of my rolls came back as zilch!

16 gold in treasury so my gang rating goes up by 16 to 5065.

Summary - Yesterday my friend visited the castle and all he got me was this lousy T-shirt.
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Re: Week 8 Results

Postby Tom » Fri Oct 01, 2021 5:17 pm

Opponent: Dave
Scenario: The Keep
Treasure: 2-3 to Dave
Level: 11 (105XP banked)
Warband Rating: 3878

I was too keen to get my Apprentice on the teleporters and he got slotted with a bow. From then on in it was fairly grinding war of attrition but Dave won out and I slinked off to lick my wounds.
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Re: Week 8 Results

Postby Brad85 » Thu Oct 07, 2021 8:08 pm

(Should probably get this in here for records)

Opponent: Matt
Treasure 4-1 to Matt, but I scored 360 gold!
Level 6, and stayed that way

An archer died and was replaced with a barbarian and a templar replaced my infantry man, just because. I think that left me with 105 gold.
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