3e discussion

Re: 3e discussion

Postby ErebusMort » Wed Jun 15, 2022 6:50 pm

Dave wrote:Played my first game last night and it was fun. If the campaign is still going when I get back I’ll try and join in.

Took me a while to wrap my head around that some special actions need to use a command dice and others don’t but otherwise rules were pretty straightforward.

I know it’s only one game but I don’t think my list was very good. 6 grunts who each gave up a VP but had very little offensive or defensive capability. I think I definitely need a big scary model (or two) for counter assault. Also move and fire weapons are tricky with so much terrain, having a high AP is worthless if you can’t hit anything.

That’s been my experience too. Things that have done the best so far in the games I’ve played have been stuff that is really good (3+) at shooting as they can just flat out beat your survive rolls on even dice and big things (size 2 or more) that are good at fighting as they can stack up a lot of dice on attack when charging in.

I really like it as a game, it’s simple, clever and easy to set up and play, but there doesn’t seem to be much space for average dudes. They end up just searching for the perfect roll to get things done and are often just walking VPs for your opponents.
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Re: 3e discussion

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Wed Jun 15, 2022 7:32 pm

My average guys have been supper effective as they are the ones the leader buffs. Both games my 9 point models have earned way above their grade.
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Re: 3e discussion

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Fri Jul 08, 2022 12:10 am

Another campaign list question.

(I'm using generic terms, not specific)

On my force list, a have a 'Soldier' that can either have a rifle for 10pts, or a pistol for 6pts.

I'd like the flexibility of having access to both.

If I buy soldier 1 with a pistol (10pts) and then buy the 4 for a rifle for a total of 14pts (but only one or the other per game)
Do I have to buy soldier 1 with rifle and soldier 2 with pistol, for a total of 16pts, but the option to use both at the same time.
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Re: 3e discussion

Postby Tom » Fri Jul 08, 2022 7:00 am

Two separate soldiers.
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Re: 3e discussion

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Fri Jul 08, 2022 7:18 am

Thought as much, just wanted to double-check.
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