40K escalation campaign.

For 40K, and games set in the 40K universe

Re: 40K escalation campaign.

Postby Dave » Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:57 pm

Some thoughts on this and the use of 30k armies:

- start the campaign at 750 instead of 500 points.
- use unbound army lists.
- allow 30k squads to be taken in half sizes for half the points.

And on the campaign in general:
The units you use in the first 500/750 point games become the core of your army and must be incorporated into all other lists as the campaign progresses. The remaining points can be switched in and out as you build and paint different units.

Month 1 - 500/750
Month 2 - 750/1000
Month 3 - 1250/1500

The idea being that you end up with a 1250/1500 point fully painted 40k army! Yay!

Points Scoring:
2 points for a win
1 for a draw
0 for a loss.

Bonus points:
+1 for WYSIWYG (not overly sure/bothered about this one)
+1 for fully painted army.

In game bonuses:
The idea being that you get a small bonus for winning previous games.
If you won the previous game you get:
+1 on dice rolls for choosing table edges/taking the initiative rolls etc (maybe one of your choice rather than all).
Can exchange upto 2 maelstrom mission cards.
Can exchange 1 maestrom mission card (for drawing).

Alternatively exhchange league points for army list points, so 1 league point = 25 points to spend on your next army list.
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Re: 40K escalation campaign.

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:41 pm

Gent on FB (Jon) has messaged about joining in with this, should be popping his head in this week.
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Re: 40K escalation campaign.

Postby JAC » Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:02 pm

Aye I did! Was great to meet some of you last night. Looking forwards to joining in with escalation fun. Gives me an excuse to finish an army for once!
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