Round One results go here.
Week One (13th Jan):
Mark (Eldar) v Matt (Dark Eldar) - Matt Win, Annihilation.
JAC (Space Wolves) v Gary (Sisters) - JAC Win, Victory (7-5).
Dave (Imperial Fists Legion) v Ray (World Eaters Legion) - Dave Win, Annihilation.
Week 2 (20th Jan):
JAC v Dave - I got a very jammy Annihilation win due to some turn 7 heroics from my Praetor. JAC was thrashing me on victory points and deserved something from the game.
Dave v Matt - My opponent seized the initiative (again!) and it was all over by turn 3. Both rhinos dead by turn two and my poor marines were foot slogging (short table edge set up) across the board and were outmatched by the speed and volume of fire of the Dark Eldar skimmers. No marines were left alive. Annihilation victory for Matt.
Week 3 (27th Jan):
No league matches this week but JAC and I had a quick game which resulted in my Fists getting annhilated by some powered armoured chaos guys. Highlight being a chaos chosen power fisting my rhino into pieces and the resulting explosion killing him!
Week 4 (3rd Feb)
JAC V Ray - Annhilation victory to JAC.
That's the end of round one with 750 point games starting next week. If you feel like you didn't get to play enough 500 point games then feel free to play some more, we can just play 500 and 750 side by side. Painting scores are now available!