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Horus Heresy New Legion Test Scheme
Fri Mar 31, 2023 11:36 am
by Dave
Test scheme for a possible second legion. Dusk Raiders (loyalist death guard). I went with these for two reasons; I like the forge world helmets and if I go with this legion I’ll pick some up, and secondly because I bought a couple of heavy weapon boxes when Wayland had them at 30% off. Haven’t picked up a brush in a while but happy with the result (photos are brutal as usual but with the naked eye I am happy).
Re: Horus Heresy New Legion Test Scheme
Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:03 pm
by ErebusMort
Nice, I’m a big fan of different colours for different armour parts and most marine schemes don’t do it enough.
Re: Horus Heresy New Legion Test Scheme
Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:48 pm
by Tom
Very nice. Are they a pre-crusade lot that got lost for a while or just an anachronistic historic throwback or not thinking about it too much?
Re: Horus Heresy New Legion Test Scheme
Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:38 pm
by Dave
They are crusade era but pre Mortarion/Heresy, I think that’s right anyway (colour scheme and legion name wise).
I’m thinking they were on some far flung expedition and so never met their Primarch. Mortarion was discovered quite late in the crusade so when the Heresy came around I think it’s reasonable to assume some Dusk Raiders wouldn’t have had the opportunity to have met him and transition into Death Guard.
Re: Horus Heresy New Legion Test Scheme
Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:46 pm
by Dave
I painted up that embiggened MKIII dude I made a few weeks back. He’s tall but the MKVI is squatting a bit, he looks reasonable against the standing tall MKVI marine.
I think I’ll go with these guys now as quite happy the scheme can be replicated reasonably quickly. The plan is no Death Guard special units but I may use their armoury stuff (all legions seem to have had destroyer squads, which are the war crimes guys) and hordes of powered armoured tactical squads and heavy Support squads (as troops using the Rite of War), which as I write this doesn’t sound like such a good idea! Oh well, let’s see how we get on.
Re: Horus Heresy New Legion Test Scheme
Thu Apr 06, 2023 10:06 am
by Tom
How did you embiggen him? I made a MK3 to be an artificer armoured sergeant and he is noticeably more diminutive than his squad mates.
Re: Horus Heresy New Legion Test Scheme
Thu Apr 06, 2023 2:04 pm
by Dave
I cut his thighs, inserted a spacer with green stuff and then “sculpted” some detail.
I really like the mkiii kit and if I were to do an entire army of them I wouldn’t bother making them bigger, they are just too noticeably squat for my tastes when mixed with MKVI.
Re: Horus Heresy New Legion Test Scheme
Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:21 pm
by MoodyGit (Gary)
In my head the newer marks are bigger and better so as long as I keep them apart I'll live with it.
A bit of real life power Creep.
Re: Horus Heresy New Legion Test Scheme
Fri May 19, 2023 2:26 pm
by Dave
Slow progress....Armistos competed.