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Road to 9th Edition

Tue May 26, 2020 10:42 am
by Ray
I figured with a new edition on it's way, it's about time I sort out the only modern 40k army I own. Maybe if I tell everyone I'm doing this I might actually get somewhere with it. Anyone else got plans?
No actual planning went into this army, everything I have is the result of picking bundle deals. Here is the current state of things:
Re: Road to 9th Edition

Tue May 26, 2020 12:52 pm
by Dave
I’m interested in the “games of multiple scale” rules which apparently will be in the new rulebook, particularly the rules for smaller games. I like 40k lore and aesthetics but the rules and sheer model count have always spelt the doom for any project I started for it.
Army wise, I have a small amount of Primaris that I’d planned to do but lockdown has killed my interest in all hobby related stuff.
Re: Road to 9th Edition

Tue May 26, 2020 1:18 pm
by Brad85
Dave wrote:I’m interested in the “games of multiple scale” rules which apparently will be in the new rulebook, particularly the rules for smaller games. I like 40k lore and aesthetics but the rules and sheer model count have always spelt the doom for any project I started for it.
Same for me (maybe with the exception of model count) always feel like there's too much bookkeeping with 40k for the number of guys I need to keep track of.
I'll doubtless get the rules as I have all those models. But I'm tempted to bash up a new smaller army.
Re: Road to 9th Edition

Tue May 26, 2020 1:30 pm
by Ray
I'm not interested in playing massive 40k games anymore, but if smaller games work then that would be good. 1k was actually a decent game size for 8th, and it doesn't sound like things are going to change drastically. If I want to put everything on the table at once, that is what apocalypse is for.
Re: Road to 9th Edition

Tue May 26, 2020 2:17 pm
by Ray
To give you an idea of size, here is a 1k list I just made from what I have assembled. I'm going to work on getting these things done first I think.
Re: Road to 9th Edition

Tue May 26, 2020 6:26 pm
by JAC
I might work on my Blood Angels and bring them out of retirement. And finishing my Space Wolves. I also have a small nid collection I want to paint and chaos to finish...
Re: Road to 9th Edition

Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:37 pm
by Ray
First guy, who I painted ages ago, but has been amended slightly
Re: Road to 9th Edition

Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:52 pm
by JAC
Ray wrote:First guy, who I painted ages ago, but has been amended slightly
Re: Road to 9th Edition

Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:43 pm
by Brad85
Those new Ad Mec robot horses... how would people feel about them being used as 'counts as a bike' for something? Not sure what yet, like the horse-bots but not the idea of an ad mec army
Re: Road to 9th Edition

Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:56 pm
by Ray
Brad85 wrote:Those new Ad Mec robot horses... how would people feel about them being used as 'counts as a bike' for something? Not sure what yet, like the horse-bots but not the idea of an ad mec army
Are chaos marines on bikes still a thing? Because they would totally work for that if you hacked them about the way you have the rest of your army.