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I need Bags

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2017 8:40 pm
by Darkson (Simon)
No, no, no - not KR bags.

Has anyone got a supply of spare small presslock or money bags? I'm going to need a few for Dark Souls, and will also need some for some other bits and pieces.
I thought I had a load, but I can't find them now.

Re: I need Bags

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2017 9:33 pm
by Mike
Tesco snack bags are brilliant

Re: I need Bags

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2017 10:12 pm
by Ronq
Can bring some money bags next week, have a wadge

Re: I need Bags

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2017 10:37 pm
by Darkson (Simon)
Cheers Even.

Mike wrote:Tesco snack bags are brilliant

Thinking more of the smaller ones, the sort of size that dice and figures come in.

Re: I need Bags

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 10:28 am
by Ray
I have literally hundreds. What sizes do you need?

Re: I need Bags

PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 1:06 pm
by Darkson (Simon)
Many roughly card size. Dark Souls has area decks it needs to keep separate, and some other card pieces, as do a few other games.