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Darkson's Wishlist

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:14 pm
by Darkson (Simon)
Making a conscience effort not to get into any more miniature games (other than Infernal, seeing as I know one of the creators), because I'm lazy and don't have the motivation to paint them, or even stick them together in some instances, so looking at more self-contained games, be they board games, card games or something like it, ideally something that doesn't need me to continually buy stuff to keep up (so games like Magic and Netrunner are out). Also helps if they're games I could try to play with the family, though that's unlikely ( :( ).

The new tabletop gaming magazine, being a list of games in the first issue is a starting point, so as I continue to read through it going to add them here. If anyone already has any of them I'd like to give them a go at some point.

Ticket to Ride (yes, I know some of you have this, but I actually think I can get the family to play this, would probably go for the basic US editon - and got the Steam version...)
Formula D
Smash Up
Zombie Dice
Love Letter
Sheriff of Nottingham
Discworld Ankh-Morpork
Get Bit!

Re: Darkson's Wishlist

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:23 pm
by MoodyGit (Gary)
I know you find it difficult, but watching Will on Tabletop really helps with the suitability of games; how they play, effort required and difference between European and American.

Re: Darkson's Wishlist

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:01 pm
by Tom
TtR Europe is a solid favourite with my in-laws. I'd personally go Europe over America. Initially we got that one just for familiarity of locations, but having played both now I find America lacking in comparison.

Also Netrunner totally doesn't require to keep buying things! Unless you're getting into the tournament scene or something. Ray and I are still just in the base set and given our frequency of play that'll last us a good while yet if not indefinitely.

I usually have Love Letter with me in my gaming bag as it is so small and quick to play.

Re: Darkson's Wishlist

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:20 pm
by lunchmoney
Keep an eye on my twitter (@Lunchmoney_Al) on Wednesday nights for my weekly #gamesnight
We play lots of different games and it might give you an idea.

In the last few weeks we've played:
Groo (love this game, but good luck in getting that for less than the price of a kidney, though);
Arctic Scavengers (all in one box, deck builder game, good fun);
Cheaty Mages (review here);
Love Letter (I think you know this is good);
Xcom Board game (not one for the family, definitely a gamers game);
Ankh Morpork (Discworld fun, get it);
Smash Up (another all in one box deck building game, but can get expensive if you want add ons);
Chaos In The Old World (another gamers game);
Tiny Epic Defenders (I recommend this entire range, review here).

The list goes on. We play a lot :)

Games we play that my friend TreborMinntt owns gets a review on his site,

Re: Darkson's Wishlist

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 9:30 am
by Darkson (Simon)
Add to the list:
Red Dragon Inn (think that's right, will double-check)
Kittens in the Blender