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Personal gaming plans
Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:53 pm
by Darkson (Simon)
(Anyone feel free to post theirs up, if you're feeling brave enough!)
Personal gaming plans (as it stands!) for next year:
Dead Man's Hand
Dreadball league(s),
Frostgrave - finish Lich Lord vs @Tom (and maybe start new ones?)
Stargrave vs @Jamie (play through a supplement),
with probably some incidental games of AWT, The Doomed and Rumbleslam along the way.
Of course, that's assuming nothing "awesome" gets realised in the next year.
May need a second night per week, when it's all written down like that!
Re: Personal gaming plans
Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:03 pm
by Tom
In order of likelihood of happening:
Finish Frostgrave Lichlord campaign.
Keep up the Heresy.
Necromunda Campaign.
Dreadball League.
Try out The Doomed.
Try out Armada.
Killteam Inquisition thingy campaign.
That'll do for a start!
Re: Personal gaming plans
Wed Dec 06, 2023 6:35 pm
by Ray
Pretty short list for me:
Necromunda Campaign
Dreadball League
Legions Imperialis - Will have two armies ready for demo games in the new year.
Armada - Have a full fleet painted and barely played it, maybe a get a campaign going at some point or something?
Fantasy - Either 6th or Old World
I should also play Ben at something as we somehow managed to not play each other at all this year.
(edited to add fantasy which I somehow completely forgot about)
Re: Personal gaming plans
Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:38 pm
by bennyowens
- Play and paint as much Moonstone as possible as it brings me the most joy out of everything in the hobby. Campaign weekend in February is already on the cards.
- Necromunda campaign - very keen to get into the more narrative side of gaming
- Underworlds - get a few more warbands painted up and enter some more tournaments
- 40k - get my GSC up to 2000pts
- AWT - should probably get back on this and do some ofnthe converting I was planning on!
- Mini Heresy - maybe? Really fancy it but the rest of that list is long!
Re: Personal gaming plans
Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:03 pm
by ErebusMort
Interesting exercise to have to put this into writing and actually put some thought into it…..
Necromunda campaign
Dreadball campaign
Stargrave campaign
Kings of war and Firefight. I find mantic just do good games and I’d like to try these more.
Heresy now the daemons have arrived
Xenos rampant games were always fun…..
…..and I could go on and I’ll probably have added another couple of games by February, but that’ll do for now!
Re: Personal gaming plans
Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:13 am
by MoodyGit (Gary)
More Underworlds especially tournaments though, based on Bloodbowl history, as I got to lots this year I'm bound to be working them next.
Warhammer 6th/Old World depending on rules.
Necromunda on the cards but the leaving early may become an issue.
I expect I'll join the Dreadball but mainly to make up numbers.
Re: Personal gaming plans
Sun Dec 10, 2023 8:36 pm
by Mike
Random games of;
DMH 2nd edition
Anyaral - WOT
0200 Hours
Re: Personal gaming plans
Wed Jul 03, 2024 12:07 am
by Tom
Half way through the year progress check:
Finish Frostgrave Lichlord campaign. Completed.
Keep up the Heresy. One game played, partial credit?
Necromunda Campaign. It may have somewhat sputtered out, but there were lots of games played before that point. I'm giving myself this one.
Dreadball League. Completed.
Try out The Doomed. Completed and keen for more.
Try out Armada. Nope.
Killteam Inquisition thingy campaign. Not even close.
Not bad really and all still within reach.
Glad I didn't put 5 Leagues on there as Teeny Tiny Chaos has very much stolen that niche.
Underworlds Knockout should probably go on the list. Though with no realistic expectation of finishing it this year.
And also add trying out AoS Spearhead.
Re: Personal gaming plans
Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:14 am
by Darkson (Simon)
Check list:
Dead Man's Hand - surprisingly no!
Dreadball league(s) - yep.
Frostgrave - finish Lich Lord vs @Tom (and maybe start new ones?) -yep.
Stargrave vs @Jamie (play through a supplement) - well, started Stargrave, but not with Jamie, so tick?
with probably some incidental games of AWT, The Doomed and Rumbleslam along the way. - no, yes, yes, and happy to play all 3 again, though I think Deth Wizards might have jumped in at the front of this queue.
So 4.5 or 5 out of 7 - better than expected.
Re: Personal gaming plans
Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:53 am
by Ray
Necromunda Campaign - Yep
Dreadball League - Yep
Legions Imperialis - Yep
Heresy - Probably not happening
Armada - Not yet but still hopeful
Old World - Yep