Gaming plans for the new year

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Gaming plans for the new year

Postby Ray » Fri Dec 07, 2018 5:17 pm

It's that time of year again when some of us like to set out some plans as to what we want to do in future, so here's what I would like to be doing:

Continue with Kings of War (1 week in 6 vs Gary, first game 15th January?)
Club Campaign (Vanguard is looking likely, but I'll likely join in whatever ruleset we use)
Necromunda (Preferably after above campaign. I will be running Orlocks)
Adeptus Titanicus (I will be able to run proper demo games of this, so anyone who wants a go give me a shout)

What are everyone else's plans?
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Re: Gaming plans for the new year

Postby Dave » Fri Dec 07, 2018 5:42 pm

Pretty much same as your list except exchange KOW for a bit of Fallout.

I like adeptus titanicus so happy to play just not sure I can afford it, itā€™s been an expensive hobby year what with Necromunda and Fallout being released!
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Re: Gaming plans for the new year

Postby Brad85 » Fri Dec 07, 2018 8:12 pm

So far my immediate plans are Necromunda as Delaque.
Vanguard as Nightstalkers
Blackstone Fortress.
Malifaux when third edition drops.

Maybe get round to upgrading my Shadespire to Nightvault.
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Re: Gaming plans for the new year

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:44 pm

1 in 6 KOW,
1 in 6 X-Wing,
More Underworlds,
Always put fantasy over Sci-fi so definitely up for Vanguard.
More painting as this year has been challenging on that front.
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Re: Gaming plans for the new year

Postby Tom » Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:24 am

Let's see, how did the 2018 plans go...

- A good solid number of runs through of Necromunda turf war campaigns, with properly modelled and painted minis rather than making plans and then doing nothing with them.

- At least one Malifaux a month, possibly moonlighting outside of ARBBL for opponent variety (still love ya Dave!).

- Finish the Kingdom death campaign one way or t'other.

That'd be 0/3 then.

- Lots of Necro play but failed terribly at the painting.
- Malifaux pretty much dropped due to incoming third ed.
- Not a sausage re: Kingdom Death.

That said it's been a very active year. Underworlds kind of took over and I've been having a great old run with it getting involved in the competitive scene. Keyforge has become the new big thing I'm looking for events for as well.
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Re: Gaming plans for the new year

Postby Ray » Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:29 am

Dave wrote:I like adeptus titanicus so happy to play just not sure I can afford it

I get it's expensive, but now is actually a pretty good time to buy in with the just released Christmas bundle. It's over 1200 points, so that and a couple of boxes of knights and you have a full size army. Having said that, I have enough to lend an entire army out for games, or part of an army if anyone wants to build their own over time.
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Re: Gaming plans for the new year

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Sat Dec 08, 2018 10:50 am

Only thing on my list is the club campaign (most likely Vanguard), but if the campaign is something else then I'll be hoping to get some Vanguard in as well.
Other than that I don't have any plans. I will be getting Blackstone Fortress, but that will probably be a 'play at home' game, and hopefully get some Rangers of Shadow Deep in, but again, that can be solo play.
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Re: Gaming plans for the new year

Postby JAC » Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:03 pm

My aims for the new year are to do as much painting and gaming as I can after our bundle of joy drops! Getting close now :s
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Re: Gaming plans for the new year

Postby Trelliz » Sun Dec 23, 2018 11:56 am

As i have only made a brief introduction on here and not actually turned up to an evening yet my opinion is perhaps not as useful, but i'm effectively starting from scratch so am curious about warhammer underworlds, kow vanguard looks interesting and maybe even full-fledged age of sigmar if anyone does stuff that big?
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Re: Gaming plans for the new year

Postby Tom » Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:58 am

Trelliz wrote:As i have only made a brief introduction on here and not actually turned up to an evening yet my opinion is perhaps not as useful, but i'm effectively starting from scratch so am curious about warhammer underworlds, kow vanguard looks interesting and maybe even full-fledged age of sigmar if anyone does stuff that big?

Very much yes for Age of Sigmar! I bought into Nighthaunts at the recent 2nd ed. launch and have yet to play more than a single game with them.
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