I like Underworlds, for me one of the best 'style' of games GWs had for a while, but their rotation of cards and boards out of the game (i.e. lost money), limited release cards (i.e Leaders, Unbound) and indifference to the imbalance in the game (especially the old warbands) has meant it's lost any appeal as a 'competitive' game for me.
I'd still like to play it as a casual game, but it would need some house-rules for me to play it again (as an example, everyone just sticking to one [and the same] season). You only need to look at the interrupted (and probably finished) club-tourney thing we did - although Tom would have won whatever warband he used (
) his Rippas were so much better than the S1 bands, and better than the S2 ones.
I probably won't get the last two S3 bands, and definitely won't be buying into S4 (which, if they follow their previously stated rules, will invalidate all the NV universals and boards).
On Warcry, I'd like to give it another go at some point (Gary's painting a Warband for me), but I think it will be behind Frostgrave.
I never got to the campaign stage, so I can't comment on that, but I did feel that some of the scenarios were skewed very for or against some warbands (in the few games I played or saw at least).