Unbridled Savagery - Beastgrave Q2 Shadeglass Event

Places to be and tales of old

Unbridled Savagery - Beastgrave Q2 Shadeglass Event

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Fri Jan 31, 2020 10:06 am

Bournemouth, at the Beachhead show. 9th Feb.


Having now realised I'm off that weekend (changed a holiday), I might be able to go (have to ask the bosses permission!). I see that Tom and Mike have both said they're interested, are either of you planning on going? Gary, Brad?

If anyone is planning on going, tickets are £10 till midnight, then they go up to £15.
https://entoyment.co.uk/event-tick/beac ... kCZz7xmBAA
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Darkson (Simon)
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Re: Unbridled Savagery - Beastgrave Q2 Shadeglass Event

Postby Tom » Thu Feb 06, 2020 9:02 am

I was interested, but house painting wins. Woo.
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