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Greetings Gamers

PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 5:16 pm
by VonNick
Hello! My name is Nick and having played a few games at the club I thought I should probably go back and introduce myself!

Let’s see now… been gaming for, erm, well quite some time. Started with Historicals as that’s what the club down yonder in Plymouth was all about - mainly Napoleonics with some WW2, ACW and Ancients thrown into the mix occasionally.

Picked up GW’s Space Marine and 40K games when we moved to this area as finding someone to play against is always easier with GW. This was back in the previous century - so 3rd edition 40K was my first version. Was a member of the Sad Muppet Society in Basingstoke for many years and attended many 40K tournaments with the Muppet Team.

Also ran events for a few years under the Vonwar banner. 40K ran out of steam for me around 7th edition and we moved over to AoS which was really just starting at that time. Skipped 8th and 9th editions of 40K and now back with a vengeance for 10th edition.

Main armies for the big systems:
40K - Eldar, Necrons, Chaos Daemons. Currently building Iron Warriors again.
AoS - Blades of Khorne, Disciples of Tzeentch and Beasts of Chaos - there’s a theme there I think…

Other systems I have forces for - in various states of painting - Marvel Crisis Protocol, Bushido, Underworlds, Kill Team, Blitz Bowl. I’m sure there are probably others around here and note my Willpower is non-existent so you’ll easily drag me into new games.

Free most Tuesdays so if anyone fancies a game just shout through the forum or discord (VonNukem on there I believe)

Re: Greetings Gamers

PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 5:30 pm
by Darkson (Simon)

Hi Nick. Not a lot of crossover there for me, though I do play Underworlds, and might get tempted to dip my toes back into the *Bowl world.
But like you say, sure we can drag you into other games at some point. ;)

Re: Greetings Gamers

PostPosted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 11:13 pm
by ErebusMort
By way of a background, Nick was on the ad muppet society committee when I was tentatively making my way back into 40K about 20 odd years ago and I’ve known him ever since. He was very helpful in arranging me some games of “40K in 40 minutes” as the smaller 40K games were termed back then, so I feel like I’m repaying the favour by recommending that he come along to ARBBL now :D

Re: Greetings Gamers

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 8:59 pm
by Mike
Would love to have a go a blitz bowl. Seen but never rreally played.

Re: Greetings Gamers

PostPosted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 10:12 pm
by bennyowens
Obviously already had a 40k run-in, and I'm always up for some Underworlds.
I'd be interested in trying Bushido, and if you ever want to be on the receiving end of and evening of Moonstone propaganda I'm always up for an intro game!