Looong time wargamer. Had a 40k army back in the 1980s. These days mostly into X-Wing (V2, got Rebel and Empire, plus a few Scum), Bolt Action (2nd Ed, Americans, Russians, Germans, British Paras, Japanese)... Recently been painting up some Black Powder for War of the Spanish Succession (Dutch) and American War of Independence (British and American), love anything aerial, 1/300 with Blitzkreig Commander and Cold War Commander... board games, Flight Leader/Air Superiority, Axis and Allies, Scythe, Agricola, Pandemic....
Not really a tournament gamer, just enjoy a good game.
Also owner of QRF Models Limited, manufacturing 15mm figures from Romans to modern, as well as 1/2400 naval and I have just added to the range of 1/1200 aircraft we produce.
Also experienced simulator pilot if anyone pops up on Vatsim