
If you're new to the group, introduce yourself here and tell us what games you play and/or are interested in


Postby Trelliz » Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:29 pm

Hi all,

My name is Ben, i'm moving to Andover next week and am keen to get back into wargaming after a long period away and as a more meaningful alternative to playing videogames and staring at a screen all the time.

I played 40k second edition, blood bowl, gorkamorka and others as a teenager and D&D at uni and also play board/card games when given the opportunity.

I'm keen to get into something like killteam, but i have also been taken by games like Gaslands and Autokill which make use of diecast cars as a cheap source of models and are fun to alter/convert. I also collect older board/wargames going back to the 1950s so would be interested in playing those in an appropriate environment.

With the chaos of moving and christmas coming up i most likely won't make an appearance until the new year, but thought i'd say hello in advance.
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Re: Hello

Postby Tom » Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:30 pm

Good to hear from you. Sounds like your interests should align with ours just fine.
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Re: Hello

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Thu Dec 06, 2018 5:22 pm

Hello Ben. I'm sure there'll be some games we play you'll be interested in, and some that you have that will interest us. Don't worry if you see a game you think you'd be interested in but don't have the correct models for, we're happy to do "counts as" and/or lend figures.

I've literally just picked up a copy of Gaslands, and will be looking to give that a go in the New Year, so hopefully we can sort something out (I believe my old set of Dark Future is in the club cupboard, along with my small collection of Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars, just ready for it).
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Re: Hello

Postby Trelliz » Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:55 pm

Excellent - i'm glad someone else has Gaslands, although i've picked up more than enough hot wheels for at least 10 games at once.

Thanks for the welcome everyone, i'm looking into killteam options/rules - am i right in thinking you don't have to get the preset team boxes but have some freedom of choosing?
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Re: Hello

Postby JAC » Sat Dec 08, 2018 10:20 pm

Hi Ben, welcome. I'm not the most regular of attendees at the moment, so probably won't get to meet you for a while.

In terms of kill team there is a bit of flexibility in all the armies, so no you don't have to buy the kill team boxes, although the list are quite limited. There's a few of us with 40k armies still, we don't actually play full 40k now, so if you don't still have your 2nd ed models someone may be willing to lend you a team so you can try.
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