Darkson (Simon) wrote:Strange old game, though it was fun. Jamie's rolls were either awful (one guy jammed twice in a row) or great (4 20s for shooting, and another in combat). Even his rolls for the pirate fleets were low. The only time he seemed to roll middle values were for his powers, which of course, needed higher!
And yet he beat me 4-1!
I made some errors early on (like deployment!), and my rolls were average - some good, some bad, but I seemed to use the high rolls when I didn't need them (2 20s for initiative) and fail miserably at just the wrong time (my flamer decided to miss both targets).
I woulds have run earlier, but as it was just a fun game we played on. I got my leader off with data, everyone else was taken out of action. I took two guys out all game, and one was of my own crew that Jamie took over! The only one of his I took out was a recruit, who also took my first mate out at the same time (we both rolled a 20 in combat!).
Lessons learned.
Hope to play again, maybe get a small campaign going.
I really enjoyed it - it’s a fun little system that’s really easy to pick up and I’d be happy to play again and perhaps work through some of the narrative missions in the book? I need to actually start using my powers though….. think I only cast two between the two of them all game!