30 November

What's on?

30 November

Postby Mike » Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:55 pm

Twilight night?
4 player scenarios.

Lord of Pumpkin Spam
Posts: 1629
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Re: 30 November

Postby Ray » Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:40 pm

Mike wrote:Twilight night?

Lord of Pumpkin Spam
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Re: 30 November

Postby Brad85 » Wed Nov 17, 2021 12:57 pm

Charlie, do you want to do that Malifaux game?
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Re: 30 November

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Nov 17, 2021 1:27 pm

In and not working.

Gaslands, Sons of Mars, Frost/Stargrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep...
Open to others.
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Darkson (Simon)
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Re: 30 November

Postby Darkson (Simon) » Wed Nov 17, 2021 1:31 pm

Mike wrote:Twilight night?
4 player scenarios.


Mike, don't know if it changes your thinking but I think Gary is working this week (unless he's booked it off). If he is working it's his sleep week so not in.
Send help - buried under my lead mountain!
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Darkson (Simon)
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Re: 30 November

Postby MoodyGit (Gary) » Wed Nov 17, 2021 6:47 pm

Darkson wrote:
Mike wrote:Twilight night?
4 player scenarios.


Mike, don't know if it changes your thinking but I think Gary is working this week (unless he's booked it off). If he is working it's his sleep week so not in.

Thats my week off, planned so no Tuesday off in Oct, Nov or Dec. :)
'Jenkins, chap with wings there...five rounds rapid.' - The Brigadier.
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MoodyGit (Gary)
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Re: 30 November

Postby Mike » Thu Nov 18, 2021 8:48 pm

An official scenario for 4 players, 400 to 680 points.
The Delgon have transported several of their large belderaks from the North and are
moving them into position to destroy one of the large trees. Empire scouts have spotted
the band of troops close to the town and must destroy the mortars at all costs before
they can be got into position.
Pick two 200 to 300 points Delgon forces,
and add the below extra models:
2 x Belderak Bombard
2 x Yirnak
Casanii or Empire
Pick two 200 to 300 points forces.
Set Up
Delgon: The two Delgon players deploy their forces as one or more groups within 12”
of the board edge. They also deploy the two belderaks, each with an accompanying
Empire: The Empire players then deploy their forces within 12” of the opposite board
Victory Conditions
The game ends once both belderak are either destroyed or in position on the hill.
Delgon: The Delgon players are aiming to get the belderak into position on the hill near
the centre of the board.
Empire: The Empire player is trying to destroy the carriages on which they are being
transported. The belderak may not be destroyed once they are in position.
Special Rules
Activation Counters: Each player gets four Initiative Counters rather than the usual
For this game each player activates independently.
Lord of Pumpkin Spam
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Re: 30 November

Postby Mike » Thu Nov 18, 2021 8:49 pm

Bug Hunt!
An official scenario for 2 or more players, 195 to 200 points.
Gil Masharl recently visited a local settlement and seems to have accidentally left some
rather vicious (but surprisingly tasty) garkrid behind. The local Fubarnii have decided
to try and clear out the infestation (and have a feast in their honour) and now
everybody seems to be getting involved, with a passing Delgon priest and a Devanu
pack both keen to improve their supplies!
1 x Militia Captain
5 x Militia
1 x Reyad
4 x Slinger
1 x Devanu Sempa
3 x Grishak
1 x NuraKira
4 x KalJoran
2 x KalDru
1 x KalMalog Veteran
Extra Miniatures
1 x Garkrid Nest (Queen)
9 x Garkrid
Set Up
The encounter takes place on a small playing area with the garkrid nest in the middle.
The players take turns placing garkrid near the centre of the table, but not within 3” of
any other garkrid. Each player places a total of 3 garkrid.
Players then deploy by drawing Initiative Counters. When a player’s counter is drawn
they may place one group of models anywhere on the table at least 12” from any enemy
models or garkrid.
Victory Conditions
All players are trying to capture as many garkrid as possible.
If a model kills a garkrid then remove the garkrid and replace it with a body token.
Body tokens are Objects (p23 of the Chronicles of Anyaral) and can be dropped or
transferred. A model may carry any number of body tokens.
A player may choose to flee during the End Phase, or will automatically flee if more
than half of their elites are killed or have left the table. Cast a combat stone for each
token currently held by a fleeing model that is still within 18” of the centre of the table
or within 6” of an enemy model. It is kept on a success, otherwise it is left on the table.
Any models at least 18” from the centre of the table and 6” from an enemy model
automatically keep their body counters. The remaining player keeps all tokens they are
carrying or that are left on the table once the other players have both fled.
At the end of the game count up the number of tokens held by each player. The player
with the highest total is the winner. In the case of a draw, whoever destroyed the
garkrid nest is the winner.
Special Rules
Move a garkrid!: The garkrid are vicious little creatures and are activated by all
players. Every time one of your Initiative Counters is drawn you may first select one
garkrid that is not currently engaged with any models and move it up to 2”. Each
garkrid may move multiple times each turn.
Combat: In the combat phase players may choose to use their turn to attack with a
garkrid that is engaged with an enemy model.
Multiplayer options: This scenario can be played with any number of players by
increasing the size of the playing area and the number of garkrid. Each player may
choose a 200 points force from any culture.
Special Models
Garkrid Nest (Queen): Wild Creature; Beast; Movement: 0”, Combat: 2, Support: 0,
Tough.: 4+, CR: 0”, Size: medium; Abilities: Instinctive (2, 0) [T], Wild Animal [T]
Garkrid: Wild Creature; Beast; Movement: 2”, Combat: 2, Support: 0, Tough.: 5+,
CR: 0”, Size: small; Abilities: Instinctive (2, 0) [T], Wild Animal [T]
Instinctive (x, y) [T]: This model always casts at least X Erac and Y Oran in combat.
Wild Animal [T]: This model treats all models as enemies and will always use its
Combat Action to initiate a combat with the nearest model.
Lord of Pumpkin Spam
Posts: 1629
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Re: 30 November

Postby Mike » Thu Nov 18, 2021 8:50 pm

Catch The Belan!
An official scenario for 2 or more players, 190 to 255 points.
The Delgon attackers had fallen upon the travellers while they rested after a long
night’s ride. Things did not however go to plan when the KalMalog’s engine misfired,
alerting the sleeping Fubarnii to their presence.
One of the traders managed to release a belan and its precious cargo before being cut
down by the Delgon and the beast lumbered off, leaving the sounds of battle behind it.
Having secured the camp, the Delgon are keen to recover the belan, but the terrified
bellows of the escaped beast have drawn the attention of local knights and a pack of
devanu outcasts.
1 x Knight Captain
2 x Knight
1 x Militia Captain
5 x Militia
1 x Devanu Sempa
1 x Jenta Hunter
1 x Grishak Jenta
1 x NuraSen
3 x KalDreman
1 x NuraLehn
5 x KalGarkii
2 x KalDru
1 x KalMalog
Extra Miniatures
Wild Creature
1 x Belan
Set Up
The encounter takes place on a small playing area with a few obstacles or areas of
scattered terrain. At the centre of the table is the solitary escaped belan.
Start drawing counters in the normal manner. When a player’s counter is drawn they
may place some or all of their force as a single group anywhere on the table that is at
least 12” from any other models. Continue drawing counters and deploying models.
Once a player has placed all their models on the table then they can use subsequent
counters to activate models as normal.
Victory Conditions
The players are all trying to capture the belan and whoever manages to kill it is the
winner. Any of the forces will flee if they lose more than half their elites.
Special Rules
The belan will activate at the end of each of the two Combat Phases. The player with
the initiative may activate the belan, but it will always move cautiously. If it is not
engaged then it may not move into combat. If it is engaged then it must try to leave
combat if possible. It may not be moved off the table.
If the belan is attacked then the first other player (in Initiative order) controls it for the
duration of the combat. Any other adjacent models may choose to provide support to
the Belan in the usual manner. The belan will always use its Very Tough ability if it has
sufficient Stamina.
This game can be played with different beasts as the target for the hunt, maybe using a
herd of enuk or even a wild kelahn. The beasts will activate and move cautiously after
each combat phase, as described for the belan. If there is more than one beast then
starting with the player with the Initiative each player will take turns activating one
model at a time until they have all activated
Lord of Pumpkin Spam
Posts: 1629
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Re: 30 November

Postby Mike » Thu Nov 18, 2021 8:51 pm

A simple official scenario for 2 or more players, 200 points.
The eggs of the kellanion akitiin are regarded throughout Anyaral as a delicacy and
many brave adventurers will risk their lives to try and capture the delicious gooey orbs.
The adult akitiin are however very protective and will attack any who venture close to
their nests, erupting from their underground tunnels and dragging unfortunate
trespassers back to feed their subterranean offspring.
Extra Miniatures
1 x Kellanion Akitiin
8 x Akitiin Egg
For the variant
8 x Akitiin Hatchling
Set Up
The encounter takes place on a playing area with a few bits of scenery scattered around.
Two eggs per player are placed near the centre of the board, at least 2” apart. An
additional two eggs per player are placed near the table, along with one or two akitiin.
The players draw Initiative Counters to deploy. When their counter is drawn a player
may place all their models as a single group anywhere on the table at least 12” from any
other models or eggs. Continue drawing counters as normal and players who have
deployed may activate or place akitiin even if other players haven’t deployed yet.
Victory Conditions
The player who escapes with the most eggs at the end of the game is the winner! If
several players have the same number then they are all winners! Play continues until all
models have left the table. Players cannot be forced to flee.
Special Rules
Activation Counters: Each player gets four Initiative Counters rather than the usual
The Eggs: Eggs are treated as objects. Each model may carry any number of eggs.
Beasts may carry eggs, but drop them after moving. There are a maximum of four eggs
per player.
The Akitiin: If there are any akitiin available off the board then any player may choose
to deploy one of them in place of an activation. The akitiin may erupt anywhere on the
board within 3” of an egg.
During the combat phase one player may use their turn to attack with the akitiin. It may
lunge, but must attack a model carrying an egg if possible.
If the akitiin is hit by any blows in combat, cast a combat stone instead of making a
tough save. On a success the akitiin flees back into its tunnel and is removed from the
table. Cast two stones and the player who landed the blows may place one egg for each
success within the area previously occupied by the akitiin.
If there are no models within 3” of the akitiin at the end of the combat phase then it
retreats, taking any nearby eggs from within 3” with it.
Fleeing: Any model may escape if it ends its move at least 6” from any enemy models.
If it is more than 18” from the centre of the table then it automatically keeps all the eggs
it is carrying. If closer than 18” then cast a combat stone for each egg: it is kept on a
success, otherwise it is left on the table.
Hatching the eggs: Use the hatch ability of the eggs. Any model carrying an egg that
hatches is now in combat with the newborn. Remember that although beasts drop any
egg they are carrying at the end of their move, the egg is still adjacent to them.
If you run out of akitiini models, either use proxy models or tokens, or decide that the
remaining eggs do not hatch (agree to the rule before you start the game).
Controlling the akitiini: A player may use one of their Initiative Counters to activate
one akitiini, instead of their own models.
Lord of Pumpkin Spam
Posts: 1629
Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:35 pm


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