So close, so close. But on the bright side, plenty more criminals will be happy to jump into my death-traps to attempt to earn their freedom.
My problems during this one started around the deployment phase, or more specifically with allowing Mike a hand in rolling the dice for the number of sentry guns... While I rolled a sensible middle of the road 3, Mike ARBBL'd the total number up to 9! All of a sudden, a reasonable run to the enemy with several options to head him off, now made Luke's trench run on the Death Star look like a Sunday drive to the park.
My only option now was to ram the turrets out of existence before they could fire back - relatively successfully tactic but I did rack up a load of hazards that made me wipe out in two consecutive turns (hence the lack of progress and odd facing in the early photos). I only compounded my issues by picking up an illegal movement template, so Mike kindly made me drive my 125mm cannon armed truck into a billboard as a reward. So much for keeping the cars together to work as a team. Not the most auspicious start to a game I've ever had.
Fortunately it seemed like Mike had taken a leaf from driving Miss Daisy but with a Compton feel, and was steering clear of me and any other hazards and just shooting up the turrets with handguns. This did allow me a little time to regroup and close the gap, finally getting to a position where I could fire the gun and line Mike up for a ram. Clearly this is when all the carnage took place in a relatively short space of time as you would expect from a demolition derby type scenario. In fact, I'm surprised we stretched it out this long.
On reflection, I was slightly underwhelmed with the 125mm Cannon - I expected it to do a bit more damage with 8d6 being rolled but maybe it was my slightly less than average dice rolls. I'd certainly try it again as it has a certain 'don't mess with me' factor and it can reach out and touch someone at distance. A ram with the Battle-hammer perk on the other hand was spectacular. I will certainly be taking that combination again although I must remember not to go for head on collisions and just aim for T-Boning (I was originally toying with taking two identical cars with this loadout but decided against it as I really didn't have any significant ranged threat - maybe next time though). Taking the head-on at the end really scuppered me as Mike was able to remove a significant number of my hull points and help the final kill from his other car. A slight misjudgement in a previous spin coupled with a second target suddenly becoming available put me in a bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. That said, another good game, really close and could have gone either way.