Tuesday 07/07/2020 Online

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Tuesday 07/07/2020 Online

Postby Mike » Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:18 pm

ARBBL Isolation night.

Hellboy duration : medium and difficulty : hard

Unsure of what the result is going to be on this one.
Previous 2 games have been, a short/easy where all agents were wiped out and then a medium / medium (?) where all enemies were wiped out.

7pm kick off till late.
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Re: Tuesday 07/07/2020 Online

Postby DaVinci's Cat » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:17 pm

Just a quick update on why there was no downgrade for my final shoot actions - it's because you can't shoot with an enemy in your area. Says so in bold text at the beginning of the quick reference section on shooting. :shock: :roll: I'm surprised no one picked me up on it! :?

That said, I don't think it would have changed the final outcome other than by extending the game by one turn, especially as Dave was the lead agent (target priority) and both he and I still had unused lucky charms (so we weren't going to be taking much damage...).

I'll try and do better next week....
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